

This script class exists to aid users in designing orbits where the orbital elements (or TLEs) are not directly known.

Orbit Types

static WsfPlatform SunSynchronous(string aPlatformType, Calendar aEpoch, double aLTDN, double aAltitude)

Creates a platform template of the specified type containing a space mover with a sun-synchronous orbit. The orbital elements of the space mover are set such that the mean circular altitude is aAltitude (in meters) and the local time of the descending node (LTDN) is aLTDN (in hours). The aEpoch refers to the time at which the platform will be added to the simulation (see example below). The mover will be initialized with a true anomaly of zero. In other words, the platform will be injected at the ascending node. The return value is a reference to the created platform template. The WsfPlatform object that is returned can subsequently be populated with the desired attributes and added to the simulation using WsfSimulation.AddPlatform.


The specified platform type must have a mover of type WSF_SPACE_MOVER with oblate_earth enabled, or WSF_INTEGRATING_SPACE_MOVER.


The return value will be a null reference if the platform could not be created. IsValid() can be used on the return value to determine if the operation was successful.


// Sun-Synchronous orbit example:
//    1. T = 30s: Create a platform "mySatellite1" that has a LTDN of 11 am and a circular altitude of 400 km
//    2. T = 30s: Add "mySatellite1" to the simulation.
//    3. T = 30s: Create a platform "mySatellite2" that has a LTDN of 2:30 pm and a circular altitude of 300 km
//    4. T = 60s: Add "mySatellite2" to the simulation.

start_date nov 8 2020
start_time 15:30:00.0
end_time 1 hour

   icon satellite
      oblate_earth enable

script void AddPlatform(WsfPlatform aPlatform, string aPlatformName)
   if (aPlatform.IsValid())
      WsfSimulation.AddPlatform(aPlatform, aPlatformName);

execute at_time 30 seconds absolute
   // Step 1
   WsfPlatform mySat1 = WsfOrbitDesigner.SunSynchronous("SAT_TYPE",
                                                        11.0, // 11 am
                                                        400000); // 400 km
   // Step 2
   AddPlatform(mySat1, "mySatellite1");

   // Step 3
   double futureTime = 60.0;
   WsfPlatform mySat2 = WsfOrbitDesigner.SunSynchronous("SAT_TYPE",
                                                        14.5, // 2:30 pm
                                                        300000); // 300 km

   // Step 4
   WsfSimulation.ExecuteAtTime(futureTime, "AddPlatform", {mySat2, "mySatellite2"});