
WsfPassiveSensor inherits WsfSensor

The scripting capability in the WsfPassiveSensor Class allows for an analyst to modify certain parameters of a passive Sensor during run-time. The WsfPassiveSensor derives from WsfSensor, therefore one must cast the WsfPassiveSensor from a WsfSensor to a WsfPassiveSensor prior to accessing the methods therein. One example is shown below:

WsfPassiveSensor sensor = (WsfPassiveSensor)PLATFORM.Sensor("<sensor-name>");
int BeamCount(string aMode)

Returns the number of beams for the given sensor mode.

int FrequencyBandCount(string aMode, int aBeam)

Returns the number of frequency bands contained in the receiver for a given sensor mode and antenna beam.

bool TuneFrequencyBand(bool aReset, string aMode, int aBeamNum, int aFrequencyBandNumber, double aLowerFrequencyLimit, double aUpperFrequencyLimit, double aDwellTime, double aRevisitTime)

Either adds a new frequency band or retunes an existing frequency band for a given mode-beam combination. Parameter “aReset” controls whether the call from script will wither ADD a new Band or RESET an existing Band. Values are either ‘false’ or ‘true’, which ADDS or RESETS, respectively. Frequency units are expected to be hertz, and time units are in seconds. The dwell and revisit times must follow the conventions as defined in the WSF_PASSIVE_SENSOR. If the frequency band is being added then previously defined dwell and revisit times must be of the same type, if using the scan on san model.