

Construction: WsfRandomVariable newObj = WsfRandomVariable();
Clone: WsfRandomVariable newObj = WsfRandomVariable(other);

This class provides a limited distribution selection, using a generator separate from the simulation’s random number generator, for passage between script contexts where there is a desire to maintain a repeatable but separate random number generation. The seed used for this object is the same as specified globally in AFSIM.


void Set(string aDistribution, double aParameter1, double aParameter2, string aConstraint)

This method provides the distribution, required parameters, and optional constraints for using the WsfRandomVariable object. This method MUST be called prior to its usage. It may be called multiple times to change the distribution and constraints associated with the script object.

The passed string aDistribution represents the distribution to be used, with the following options:

  • “exponential” for an exponential distribution.

  • “log_normal” for a log normal distribution.

  • “normal” for a normal distribution.

  • “uniform” for a uniform distribution.

  • “constant” for a constant value.

Any other string value than those above defaults to a constant value (no distribution).

The two parameter values are used based on the distribution type specified. If not required for the distribution, the parameter value is unused and any value may be provided.

  • For an exponential distribution, aParameter1 specifies the lambda (inverse of the mean).

  • For log normal and normal distributions, aParameter1 is the mean, aParameter2 is the standard deviation.

  • For uniform distributions, aParameter1 is the minimum value, aParameter2 is the maximum value.

  • For a constant, aParameter1 is the constant value.

The passed string aConstraint specifies the optional constraints on the value of the random variable, s.t.

  • “positive” indicates draw results should be greater than zero.

  • “non_negative” indicates draw results should be greater than or equal to zero.

  • “no_constraint” indicates no constraints.

Any other string value than those above defaults to no constraints.

double Draw()

Draws a value from the distribution and parameters provided, and returns that value. In the case of constant usage, the constant value is provided.

double LastDraw()

Returns the last draw value generated. Does not call the random number generator and modify future values resulting from a draw.

double GetFirstParameter()

Returns the first parameter provided using the Set method.

double GetSecondParameter()

Returns the second parameter provided using the Set method. This value is only valid if used for the specified distribution.

string GetDistribution()

Returns the string name of the set distribution. If the Set method has not been called, defaults to indicating a constant value.

string GetConstraint()

Returns any constraint applied using the Set method. If the Set method has not been called, defaults to indicating no constraint.