
WsfScriptedDynamicsTerm inherits WsfOrbitalDynamicsTerm


The WsfScriptedDynamicsTerm represents a user-scriptable dynamics term to implement dynamics that are not build into AFSIM. See also Scripted Term.

Static Methods

WsfScriptedDynamicsTerm Construct(string aScriptName)

Construct a scripted dynamics term that uses the script with the given name to compute the acceleration. The named script must return a Vec3 and accept the following arguments in order: a WsfIntegratingSpaceMover giving the mover that this term is affecting, a double giving the mass of the platform at the time of the script execution, a Calendar giving the time at which the dynamical term is being computed, a Vec3 giving the position of the platform, and a Vec3 giving the velocity of the platform.


string ScriptName()

Return the name of the script that computes the acceleration for this term.

Vec3 ComputeAcceleration(double aMass, Calendar aTime, Vec3 aPosition, Vec3 aVelocity)

For the WsfScriptedDynamicsTerm this method will return the zero vector; the acceleration provided by this term can only be computed when the dynamics are fully initialized and are in use by a WsfIntegratingSpaceMover.