

Creation Methods

WsfSixDOF_FormationCommandConstraint AT_TIME(double aSimTime)

Create an absolute time command constraint. A WsfSixDOF_FormationCommand given the constraint that results from this method will begin executing at the given simulation time.

WsfSixDOF_FormationCommandConstraint AT_RELATIVE_TIME(double aTimeToStart)

Create a relative time command constraint. A WsfSixDOF_FormationCommand given the constraint that results from this method will begin executing after the given number of seconds past the time at which the command is assigned to a formation.

Other Methods

double GetConstraintTime()

Return the time at which the constraint will be satisfied. If this constraint was created with AT_TIME(), this will be the absolute time. If this constraint was created with AT_RELATIVE_TIME(), this will return the relative time if the command has not been assigned, and the absolute time if the command has been assigned.

double SetConstraintTime()

Set the absolute time for the constraint. If this constraint was created with AT_RELATIVE_TIME(), after calling this method, it will be as if it had been created with AT_TIME().