

The WsfSixDOF_FormationOffset represents the relative offset of a formation from its parent.

Offset Creation Methods

static WsfSixDOF_FormationOffset Construct(double aRange, double aBearing, double aStack, bool aWeldedWing)

Construct an offset given the range in meters, relative bearing in degrees and stack (vertical offset) in meters. If the offset is to provide for a ‘welded-wing’ formation, provide true as the final argument. Note that this is only a hint, and it will be ignored if maintaining the welded-wing formation would put the platform into an untenable state.

static WsfSixDOF_FormationOffset Construct(Vec3 aOffsetVector, double aWeldedWing)

Construct an offset given a vector of three coordinates. In order these specify how far to the right, ahead of, and above the parent reference this offset would be. If the offset is to provide for a ‘welded-wing’ formation, provide true as the final argument. Note that this is only a hint, and it will be ignored if maintaining the welded-wing formation would put the platform into an untenable state.

Query Methods

double GetStack()

Get the vertical offset in meters from the reference point. A positive stack means a higher vertical position than the reference point.

double GetRight()

Get the horizontal offset to the right of the reference point in meters.

double GetAhead()

Get the horizontal distance ahead of the reference point in meters.

double GetRelativeBearing()

Get the relative bearing of the offset from the direction of travel in degrees.

double GetRange()

Get the range in horizontal of the offset from the reference point in meters.

bool IsWelded()

Return if the offset is to be considered a ‘welded-wing’ offset.

Modification Methods

void SetStack(double aStackInMeters)

Set the stack of the offset to the given value.

void SetRight(double aRightInMeters)

Set the offset right to the given value.

void SetAhead(double aAheadInMeters)

Set the offset left to the given value.

void SetRangeAndBearing(double aRangeInMeters, double aBearingInDegrees)

Set the range and bearing of the offset to the given values. This will not modify the stack.

void SetWelded(bool aWelded)

Set the ‘welded-wing’ status of the offset to the given value.

Transformation Methods

WsfSixDOF_FormationOffset Add(WsfSixDOF_FormationOffset aLHS, WsfSixDOF_FormationOffset aRHS)

Add the two offsets to produce a single offset that represents an offset of the first argument followed by an offset of the second. For example, providing opposite offsets as the two arguments would produce a zero offset as a result.

WsfSixDOF_FormationOffset Subtract(WsfSixDOF_FormationOffset aLHS, WsfSixDOF_FormationOffset aRHS)

Subtract the second offset from the first, returning a new offset. The returned offset it equivalent to an offset in the direction of the first argument followed by the opposite offset of the second. For example, providing the same offset as both arguments would produce a zero offset as a result.