
WsfTeardropManeuver inherits WsfOrbitalManeuver

Input type: Teardrop

WsfTeardropManeuver will place the executing platform, called the inspector, into an orbit that will hover near the a target platform, called the chief. The maneuver gets its name from the shape of the relative orbit of the inspector from the perspective of the chief. The parameters that define the relative orbit are the radial distance at the point of closest approach (POCA), and the time it takes to traverse the teardrop, called the period.

To achieve the teardrop relative orbit, the executing platform must transfer to one of a number of relative states. To allow for maximum flexibility in achieving this transfer, the WsfTeardropManeuver shares many options with other targeting-class maneuvers (e.g., WsfRendezvousManeuver). In particular, the transfer to the teardrop orbit can be specified to take a fixed time, or be optimized to take the least time or delta-v. The point along the teardrop orbit the transfer reaches is called the insertion point. Users will be able to specify the time from the insertion point to the POCA. See Teardrop Orbit for details.

Several conditions must be met for the transfer orbit to be successful:

  • The target point must reference a valid WsfLocalTrack with both valid location and velocity;

  • The transfer orbit can only be hyperbolic if the mover executing the maneuver supports hyperbolic propagation;

  • The transfer orbit must not intersect earth;

  • When optimizing, a valid solution must exist for the provided optimization option;

  • The expended energy for the transfer must be less than the available delta-v.


    The targeting algorithm is direct (less than one orbit). Phasing orbits are not considered.


static WsfTeardropManeuver Construct(WsfOrbitalEventCondition aCondition, WsfTargetPoint aTargetPoint, int aOptimizeOption, double aMaximumDeltaTime, double aMaximumDeltaV, double aRadialOffsetAtPOCA, double aPeriod, double aTimeToPOCA)

Create a WsfTeardropManeuver with the intent of finding an optimal transfer solution in delta-V or time, using the following:

static WsfTeardropManeuver Construct(WsfOrbitalEventCondition aCondition, WsfTargetPoint aTargetPoint, WsfOrbitalOptimizationCost aCost, double aMaximumDeltaTime, double aMaximumDeltaV, double aRadialOffsetAtPOCA, double aPeriod, double aTimeToPOCA)

Create a WsfTeardropManeuver with the intent of finding a transfer solution that minimizes the provided cost, using the following:

static WsfTeardropManeuver Construct(WsfOrbitalEventCondition aCondition, WsfTargetPoint aTargetPoint, double aDeltaTime, double aRadialOffsetAtPOCA, double aPeriod, double aTimeToPOCA)

Create a WsfTeardropManeuver without optimizing the transfer, instead executing a transfer that takes a fixed amount of time.


Attempt to optimize the maneuver such that it will execute at the earliest possible time, up to delta-t and delta-V constraints provided during construction.


Attempt to optimize the maneuver such that it will execute with the least possible delta-v, up to delta-t and delta-V constraints provided during construction.

double Period()

Return the time it takes for the platform executing this maneuver to traverse the teardrop in seconds.

double RadialOffsetAtPOCA()

Return the distance from the chief at the point of closest approach in meters. This distance will be entirely in the radial direction, with positive values meaning the platform executing this maneuver will be farther from the central body than the target.

double TimeToPOCA()

Return the time in seconds from the end of the transfer to the teardrop orbit to the point of closest approach.

int Repetitions()

Return the number of times the platform executing this maneuver will traverse the teardrop. This parameter has a default value of 1.

void SetRepetitions(int aRepetitions)

Set the number of times the platform executing this maneuver will traverse the teardrop. The provided value must be at least 1.