- WsfUplinkProcessor inherits WsfProcessor
- bool UplinkCapable()¶
Returns true if this uplink processor is capable of uplinking (max uplinks has not been met or no max limit is being imposed).
- bool IsUplinkingTo(WsfPlatform aPlatform)¶
Returns true if this platform is currently uplinking to the provided aPlatform.
- int UplinkCount()¶
Returns the number of currently active uplinks.
- WsfPlatform UplinkPlatformEntry(int index)¶
Returns the platform receiving the uplink at the provided (zero based) index.
- bool StartUplinking(WsfPlatform aWeapon)¶
Starts uplinking for the provided aWeapon. Returns true if successful.
- bool StartUplinking(WsfPlatform aWeapon, WsfTrack aTrack)¶
Starts uplinking for the provided aWeapon specifically for the provided track aTrack. Returns true if successful.
- bool StopUplinking(WsfPlatform aWeapon)¶
Stops uplinking for the provided aWeapon Returns true if successful.
- int MaxSupportedUplinks()¶
Returns the number of max supported uplinks for this platform.