- WsfWeaponFuse inherits WsfProcessor
- void Detonate()¶
Command the weapon fuse to detonate.
- double MaximumTimeOfFlight()¶
Returns the maximum time of flight as defined by maximum_time_of_flight
- double GetDetonateOnMachDecreasingTo()¶
Returns the mach number that triggers detonation as defined by detonate_on_mach_decreasing_to.
If detonate_on_mach_decreasing_to isn’t defined, this method will return 0.
- double GetDetonateBelowMach()¶
Returns the mach number that triggers detonation as defined by detonate_below_mach.
If detonate_below_mach isn’t defined, this method will return 0.
- double GetDetonateBelowSpeed()¶
Returns the speed (in m/s) that triggers detonation as defined by detonate_below_speed
If detonate_below_speed isn’t defined, this method will return 0.
- double GetDetonateBelowHeightAGL()¶
Returns the minimum height that triggers detonation as defined by detonate_below_height_agl
If detonate_below_height_agl isn’t defined, this method will return 0.
- double GetDetonateBelowHeightMSL()¶
Returns the minimum height that triggers detonation as defined by detonate_below_height_msl
If detonate_below_height_msl isn’t defined, this method will return 0.
- double GetDetonateAboveHeightAGL()¶
Returns the maximum height that triggers detonation as defined by detonate_above_height_agl
If detonate_above_height_agl isn’t defined, this method will return 0.
- double GetDetonateAboveHeightMSL()¶
Returns the maximum height that triggers detonation as defined by detonate_above_height_msl
If detonate_above_height_msl isn’t defined, this method will return 0.
- double TimeOfFlightToArm()¶
Returns the time of flight necessary to allow for detonation to occur as defined by time_of_flight_to_arm