Script demo 1.txt
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# Basic Script Demo
# This is a basic script example that demonstrates some the features
# of the scripting language and how to use scripting in a WSF component.
# In this scenario we have:
# a) an air platform.
# The air platform will fly a route and print its configuration using a script.
.. include:: dis_network.txt
// Define the platform type for the notional 737.
platform_type 737 WSF_PLATFORM
// This is an example single shot processor that runs only once.
// It dumps out a bunch of information about the platform. In its
// current configuration it doesn't contain any sensors, comm devices, etc.
processor show-config-proc WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR
update_interval 1.0 sec
// An example of how to create instance variables. These can be used
// in any scripts defined within the current processor.
Script Variables
int mMyInt = 999;
double mMyDouble = 123.456;
WsfPlatform mMyPlatform = PLATFORM;
// Create an Array<T>. Maps are also available (see the User's guide).
Array<double> mMyArray = Array<double> ();
// This is an example of how to create a script that is available
// on the current processor.
script void PrintPlatformName(WsfPlatform aPlatform)
// Print name using script argument.
print("The platform's name is ", aPlatform.Name());
// Print name using the script variable (declared in Script Variables).
print("The platform's name is ", mMyPlatform.Name());
// on_initialize is a 'common' script provided by several WSF components
// (see User's guide for a complete list). Notice the syntax is different
// from how regular scripts are declared.
// Add some data to the Array.
// on_update is a 'common' script provided by several WSF components
// (see User's guide for a complete list). Notice the syntax is different
// from how regular scripts are declared..
// Calls to external script must be externed.
extern void PrintPlatformName(WsfPlatform);
print("Print my member variables");
print("--- mMyPlatform name = ", mMyPlatform.Name());
print("--- mMyInt = ", mMyInt);
print("--- mMyDouble = ", mMyDouble);
print("--- mMyArray = ");
// For each loop. The key loop variable is optional.
print("Array elements using a foreach with key and data");
foreach (int key : double data in mMyArray)
print("--- key, data ", key, ", ", data);
// For each loop without the key.
print("Array elements using a foreach with data");
foreach (double data in mMyArray)
print("--- data ", data);
// You can use an iterator.
print("Array elements using an iterator");
ArrayIterator arrayIter = mMyArray.GetIterator();
while (arrayIter.HasNext())
double data = (double)arrayIter.Next();
print("--- key, data ", arrayIter.Key(), ", ", data);
print("Information for ", PLATFORM.Name(), ".", PLATFORM.Type());
print(" Command Chains");
for (int i = 0; i < PLATFORM.CommandChainCount(); i = i + 1)
WsfCommandChain chain = PLATFORM.CommandChainEntry(i);
print(" ", chain.Name());
if (chain.Commander().IsValid())
print(" Commander: ", chain.Commander().Name());
print(" Peers");
foreach (WsfPlatform peer in chain.Peers())
print(" ", peer.Name());
print(" Subordinates");
foreach (WsfPlatform subordinate in chain.Subordinates())
print(" ", subordinate.Name());
print(" comm Systems");
for (int i = 0; i < PLATFORM.CommCount(); i = i + 1)
WsfComm comm = PLATFORM.CommEntry(i);
print(" ", comm.Name(), "; Type=", comm.Type(),
" On=", comm.IsTurnedOn());
print(" sensor Systems");
for (int i = 0; i < PLATFORM.SensorCount(); i = i + 1)
WsfSensor sensor = PLATFORM.SensorEntry(i);
print(" ", sensor.Name(), "; Type=", sensor.Type(),
" On=", sensor.IsTurnedOn());
print(" Processors");
for (int i = 0; i < PLATFORM.ProcessorCount(); i = i + 1)
WsfProcessor processor = PLATFORM.ProcessorEntry(i);
print(" ", processor.Name(), "; Type=", processor.Type(),
" On=", processor.IsTurnedOn(),
" UpdateInterval=", processor.UpdateInterval());
// Disable future calls.
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
platform 737-1 737
side blue
command_chain ATC SELF
# Take off
position 38:44:52.3n 90:21:36.4w altitude 6 ft agl speed 0 kts
position 38:45:07.6n 90:22:09.4w altitude 6 ft agl speed 120 kts # climb_rate 1000 fpm
position 38:49:00n 90:29:00w altitude 15000 ft speed 400 kts
position 39:29:00n 91:30:00w altitude 35000 ft
position 38:45:00n 90:06:08w
position 38:38:24n 90:07:46w altitude 10000 ft speed 250 kts
# Landing
position 38:44:52.3n 90:21:36.4w altitude 6 ft agl speed 120 kts
position 38:45:07.6n 90:22:09.4w altitude 6 ft agl speed 0 kts
end_time 1200 sec