
sensor_plot demos


This directory holds examples for use by the sensor_plot_demos tool in WSF.
This directory holds examples for use by the sensor_plot tool in WSF. These are
examples of how to setup and use sensor_plot for the more common uses. The following
describes how to run these examples, their output formats, and how to view the output.
For more information on how to setup and modify the input files see the WSF documentation.

To Run:
At the command prompt type “run” and the file name you want to run.

Output Formats:
1. Row-Column
Some of the outputs have standard ASCII output of data. This is row-column format of the data.
MS Excel or similar spreadsheet can be used to view and plot data.
2. 2D format
Some output types are in a 2-dimensional format. This format is common for antenna patterns.
Plotting of these can be achieved easily in MS Excel or similar spreadsheet application
through the import function.
3. GNUPlot
GNU plot is an optional output format in the input files. The output is formatted to be
plotted with gnuplot, the *.cmd files located in this directory provide an example setup
that can be used to plot the gnuplot output files. The *.cmd files can also be used with the
‘load’ “filename” method in gnuplot.
circular_2d.gnu - commands to plot a 2-dimensional antenna patter plot output file.
circular_3d.gnu - commands to plot a 3-dimensional antenna pattern plot output file.
hmplot.gnu - commands to plot a horizontal map plot output file.
pdoverlay.gnu - commands to plot a probability-of-detection output file.
vmplot-cntr.gnu - commands to plot a vertical contour map plot of the output file.
vmplot-surface.gnu - commands to plot a vertical mesh plot o fhte output file.
vcdplot.gnu - commands to plot a vertical coverage diagram from the vcd output file.

Input Files:
1. Antenna Plot files
2. Horizontal Map files
1. hm-pass-detect.txt - sample input file for plotting a passive detection of a jammer.
2. hm-ucav-dry.txt - sample input file for plotting detection of a target around an acquisition radar.
3. hm-ucav-soj.txt - extension of hm-ucav-dry.txt with an added jammer jamming the radar.
4. hm-ucav-soj2.txt - a different jammer include extension of hm-ucav-soj.txt.
3. Vertical coverage and vertical map files
1. vcd-acq_radar.txt - sample vertical coverage diagram input file for an acquisition type radar.
2. vm-ucav-dry.txt - sample input file for plotting detection of a target vertically of an acquisition radar.
3. vm-ucav-soj.txt - extension of vm-ucav-dry.txt with an added jammer jamming the radar.
4. vm-ucav-soj2.txt - a different jammer include extension of vm-ucav-soj.txt.
4. SEDIT coverage contour
1. sedit-ucav-dry.txt - sample file that plots the detection contours to import into Vespa/SEDIT.
5. Clutter Map files
1. clutter_table_generation.txt - Sample that creates an generic clutter table.
2. clutter_table_regeneration_test.txt - Sample that re-creates the clutter table (1) using the table itself.