
six_dof demos with Brawler


These demos provide example scenarios that compare platforms with PointMass SixDOF movers to platforms with Brawler mover.
This is a collection of demos that utilize Point-Mass (WsfPointMassSixDOF_Mover) Six-Degrees-of-Freedom (SixDOF) movers and compare them to Brawler movers (WsfBrawlerMover). The goal of these demos is to demonstrate how a SixDOF mover will behave given the aerodynamic and propulsion data from a Brawler mover.

The PointMassSixDOF mover used in these demos is an automated conversion from the LTE_FIGHTER Brawler demo aircraft. An FXW-to-PM6 converter tool can be found in the tools directory of AFSIM.

BrawlerMover-style commands (pm6_brawler_maneuvers.txt)

This scenario presents a series of behaviors that SixDOF aircraft movers can carry out. The demo includes two aircraft. One aircraft (dark blue) performs a series of maneuvers, either using commands a Brawler mover might use, or behaviors borrowed from the air-to-air demos. The other aircraft (light blue) carries out similar (not identical) behaviors using the WsfSixDOF_Maneuver capability.

This demo exists to illustrate that while Brawler tactics can be migrated to SixDOF, SixDOF affords other maneuvering capabilities that users may find easier to build dynamic tactics with.

Maneuvering comparison with Brawler (pm6_brawler_maneuver_comparison.txt)

This demo contains two Brawler movers and two PM6DOF movers converted from the Brawler mover. It is a simple flyout of each vehicle responding to slice-turn or level-turn commands, and serves to illustrate how the two movers may differ in execution when using the same aerodynamic and propulsion properties.