
track … end_track
   position ...
   mgrs_coordinate ...
   altitude ...
   range ...
   bearing ...
   elevation ...
   speed ...
   heading ...
   type ...
   side ...
   spatial_domain ...
   frequency ...
   platform ...
   aux_data... end_aux_data


The track block is a subcommand of platform or track_manager that defines an initial track (or perception) of another object. Multiple track blocks may be specified in a given platform. Commands should only be specified for those attributes that are perceived to be known. All other attributes should be omitted.

If no track location is explicitly specified using position, mgrs_coordinate, range, or bearing, the truth location of the target platform, if one is provided, will be used to initially populate the location data in the track.


The position and mgrs_coordinate commands are mutually exclusive with range and bearing.


position <latitude-value> <longitude-value>

Perceived position of the object.

mgrs_coordinate <MGRS-value>

Perceived coordinates of the object in the Military Grid Reference System.

altitude <length-value> [ agl | msl ]

Perceived altitude of the object. agl (above ground level) and msl (above mean sea level) specify the reference for the altitude specification. If the reference specification is omitted then msl is assumed.

range <length-value>

Perceived range to the object from the initial position of the tracking platform.

bearing <angle-value>

Perceived bearing to the object from the initial position of the tracking platform.

elevation <angle-value>

Perceived elevation of the object from the initial position of the tracking platform.

speed <speed-value>

Perceived speed of the object.

heading <angle-value>

Perceived heading of the object.

type <platform-type>

Perceived type of the object.

side <side-name>

Perceived side (“team’ or “affiliation’) of the object.

spatial_domain [ land | air | surface | subsurface | space ]

Defines the perceived spatial domain of the object.

frequency <frequency>

Perceived frequency of the object.

platform <platform-name>

The platform whose truth location to use when initially populating the location data in the track, if no location is specified. The platform must be defined prior to the track.


Input file order dependency!