
   correlation_method ...
   fusion_method ...
   tracker_type ...
   uncorrelated_track_drops ...
   filter ... end_filter
   track ... end_track
   aux_data ... end_aux_data
   aux_data_fusion_rules ... end_aux_data_fusion_rules


The track_manager block is a subcommand of a platform that defines subcommands for the platform’s master track manager. A track manager maintains the platform’s master track list. It can also be used to maintain alternate track lists with the standard WSF processor, WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR.



Enable the writing of debugging information to standard output.

correlation_method <correlation-method>
   Correlation commands…

Specifies the correlation algorithm used by the track manager.

A correlation (association) algorithm determines whether new information in the form of track and measurement updates is matched with existing tracks. If so, the new information is fused with the existing tracks using the fusion_method; otherwise, new tracks are created.

<correlation-method> can be:

fusion_method <fusion-method>
   Fusion Commands...

Specifies the fusion algorithms used by the track manager.

A fusion algorithm combines information about a single entity from two or more sources into a coherent information set, or track.

<fusion-method> can be:

tracker_type <type-name>
   Correlation commands…
   Fusion commands…
   Other tracker commands...

Specifies a standard tracker type to use. Use of this input means that one does not have to specify correlation_method or fusion_method.


Currently the only valid tracker_type is “mtt” (Multi-Target Tracker; see MTT documentation for specific tracker inputs).

uncorrelated_track_drops [ on; off ]

Specifies whether uncorrelated local tracks (tracks that no longer have any associated raw tracks) are to be dropped. Automatically set to off if tracks are purged in an associated WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR.

Default on


Specifies that the track manager is to retain all raw track information. If set, it is the responsibility of the user to manage raw track information.

Default No raw track information is retained.


Specifies that the track manager is to retain track history information. If set, it is the responsibility of the user to manage the track history.

Default No track history information is retained

filter <type-name> end_filter

Associates a filter type with the track manager. All incoming tracks of type “unfiltered sensor” will be filtered with this filter type.

track … end_track

Defines a pre-briefed track.

aux_data … end_aux_data

Specifies additional data that will be added to any “local” track created and maintained by the track manager. These will be in addition to any aux_data present in the associated / correlated “raw” tracks, as they are naturally merged into the local tracks. These data are useful as additional aids to tracking and resource allocation.

aux_data_fusion_rules … end_aux_data_fusion_rules

Defines the rules to be applied when ‘fusing’ aux_data variables from a raw track into a local track. Normally a variable in a raw track will overwrite one in the local track with the same name.

variable <name> private

A variable marked “private’ is one that will never be overwritten by when fusion occurs. The variable can only be manipulated by various local script/task processors.

variable <name> only_local

A variable marked “only_local’ can only be overwritten by incoming raw tracks that originate from the this platform.

variable <name> prefer_local

A variable marked “prefer_local’ can be overwritten by an incoming track from the local platform OR from an incoming track from another platform IF the local track does not have any other contributing track from this platform that contains the same variable.


Various inputs will be valid, based on the tracker_type selected. Specifically, see the :ref:` mtt <MTT Configuration>` inputs for the MTT tracker.