Developer Menu - Warlock

The developer menu is enabled from the preferences.


Use of the developer menu is not recommended unless you are a developer. Stability is not guaranteed.

  • Show Map Window Scene Graph - Displays a scenegraph for the Map Display. Right clicking on a node will provide an option for detailed information.

  • Reload Shaders - Reloads all GLSL shaders in use by the application. This will catch live changes to your shader source files.

  • Toggle Graphics Stats - Toggles the display of frames-per-second and other diagnostic graphics displays.

  • Toggle Polygon Mode - Toggles the polygon draw mode between filled, wireframe, and vertices.

  • Extended Draw Browser - Displays layers’ contents in the WsfDraw browser.

  • Reload Model Database - This will reload all models.txt files, effectively catching edits made to the files.

  • Performance Analyzer - Shows how much memory is used by the application.

  • Ad-Hoc Script Browser - This allows the user to create a new script and invoke it on a platform or in the global scope.