


weapon_tools is an optional WSF module that may be incorporated into WSF applications, and is also distributed as a stand-alone executable. weapon_tools repeatedly fires a predefined WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON over widely varied engagement conditions. Hit/miss results are captured to quantify the engagement capabilities of that defined weapon type, permitting successful weapon employment against target tracks. The tool produces one or more files that define run-time software objects for a future simulation or scenario that will employ the weapon. weapon_tools is extensible, and currently allows for creation/generation of the following weapon employment objects:

Command Line

Using the stand-alone weapon_tools.exe:

weapon_tools.exe <input-files>

For other WSF applications supporting weapon_tools:

wsf_application.exe --weapon-tools <input-files>


tool <tool-type-name> … end_tool
tool <tool-type-name>
   ... Tool Commands ...

Where <tool-type-name> is one of the options given in the bulleted list in the overview above.

Tool Commands


Enable run-time debug output.

Default: off

terminate_on_launch_failure <boolean-value>

If true, the tool will terminate when a weapon fails to fire. This command is only applicable for the AIR_TO_AIR_LAUNCH_COMPUTER_GENERATOR, the ATG_LAR_AND_LC_GENERATOR, and the BALLISTIC_LAUNCH_COMPUTER_GENERATOR.

Default: true

position <latitude> <longitude>

Specify the geographic location of the launch platform.

Default: 0.0 n, 0.0 e

altitude <length-value>

Specify the altitude from which the weapon launches take place.

Default: 0.0 m

heading <angle-value>

Specify the compass-orientation of the launch platform.

Default: 0.0 deg

frame_step <time-value>

Time interval between tool updates.

Default: 0.5 sec

launch_platform_type <platform-type>

Specify the platform type that will launch weapons.


target_platform_type <platform-type>

Specify the platform type that will be fired upon.


weapon_name <weapon-name>

Specify the name of the weapon to use on the launch platform. type that will be fired upon.

Default: The first weapon encountered on the launch platform type.

weapon_effects <effect-name>

Specify the weapon_effects (lethality) model the launched weapon platform will use to determine target effect.


tool_produces <product-name>

Specify the output product of the weapon tool. This value is used in automatically naming output files. Typical values would be _LAUNCH_COMPUTER, or _LAUNCH_ACCEPTABLE_REGION, etc.


output_object_name <output-name>

Specify the output product of the weapon tool. This value is used in automatically naming output files. Typical values would be _LAUNCH_COMPUTER, or _LAUNCH_ACCEPTABLE_REGION, etc.


output_file_extension <extension-name>

Specify the file extension of the output product of the weapon tool.

Default: .txt

output_file_name <file-name>

Specify the name of the file produced by the tool.

Default: Concatenation of output_object_name + output_file_extension