... base mover commands ...
   library_name <string-value>
   missile_name <string-value>
   missile_type <string-value>
   argo_log_file_path <path-name>
   guidance_update_interval <real-value>
   guidance_method ...
   seeker_method ...
   output_fuze_data ...
   endgame_gees <real-value>


WSF_ARGO8_MOVER provides for TMAP ARGO missile model objects to be used as the mover.

This mover is utilizing Brawler’s ARGO interface as its base.


library_name <type-name>

Specifies the ARGO library for the missile. Do not include the file extension (.so or .dll). These libraries sit in the library directory in the build.

missile_name <type-name>

Specifies name of missile. Necessary but doesn’t actually affect flyout so can be named anything.

missile_type <type-name>

Specifies the ARGO missile model type to use. Currently standard will cover most Brawler missile models.

Default: standard

argo_log_file_path <path-name>

Specifies the log file path in which to log the ARGO output too for debug purposes. Automatically turns on logging when specified.

Note: The file generated matches the output of the ARGO interface output, with port number correlating with column number.

Default: No Logging

guidance_update_interval <real-value>

Specifies the update rate of guidance track data. Affects truth and track data rate. This rate is also dependent on sensor frame rate, if sensor frame rate polls at slower interval, the missile will not update at rate specified by this command.

guidance_method [ truth | track ]

Specifies whether to use truth or track data while the missile is being guided by the shooter. An uplink is not necessary for truth.

Default: track

seeker_method [ truth | track ]

Specifies once seeker turns on whether it guides on truth or track. Seeker will turn on from argo output or if seeker is defined on missile, script user has control over when seeker turns on. Once the sensor turns on in script, the model will recognize it as on and no longer abide by the guidance update interval.

Default: track


If included as command, will output fuze state for all missiles launched. If engagement of missile is ended through other means than the argo mover, no output will be displayed.

endgame_gees <real-value>

Specifies minimum number of g’s at endgame is required for the missile to fuze.

Note: Should not be used for regular engagements, useful for missile flyout analysis using tools such as weapon_tools.

Default: 0