launch_computer <name> WSF_ATA_LAUNCH_COMPUTER
   ... launch_computer Commands ...
   ... WSF_LAUNCH_COMPUTER Commands ...
   ... WSF_ATA_LAUNCH_COMPUTER Commands ...


WSF_ATA_LAUNCH_COMPUTER implements a launch computer for an air-to-air missile. (This type is deprecated, in favor of WSF_AIR_TO_AIR_LAUNCH_COMPUTER.) The missiles may have various engagement constraints that must be satisfied prior to launch of the WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON.

A weapon_tool has been developed to assist with creation of launch computers of this type. See AIR_TO_AIR_LAUNCH_COMPUTER_GENERATOR.


intercept_results … end_intercept_results

This block contains the data that defines the intercept envelope. It is recommended that this data be generated using the LAR generator weapon tool.


number_of_aspect_angle_bins *<number>*

Specifies the number of azimuth angle bins in the intercept envelope. The azimuthal coverage will be from 0 to 180 degrees. Azimuthal symmetry is assumed.

azimuth_bin_count_end_limit <number> <angle>

Similar to number_of_aspect_angle_bins but limits the azimuthal coverage to the specified value.

elevation_bin_count_min_and_max_limits <number> <min-angle> <max-angle>

Specifies the number of elevation angle bins in the intercept envelope between the specified minimum and maximum angles.

range_rate_bin_count_min_and_max_limits <number> <min-range-rate> <max-range-rate>

Specifies the number of range rate (i.e., closing velocity) bins in the intercept envelope between the specified minimum and maximum rates.

firing_range_bin_count_and_values <number> <range1> <range2> <rangen>

Specifies the number of launch range bins and the corresponding range in the intercept envelope.

time_of_flight_values … end_time_of_flight_values

The intercept envelope (a series of time-of-flight values) for the above specified (m X n X p X q X r) rectangular matrix of engagement parameters. Any time-of-flight given as 0.0 indicates no intercept is possible under these conditions.

generate_rectangular_results … end_generate_rectangular_results

This block is used by the offline LAR generator tool to generate the intercept_results block. It is referred to as “rectangular” because the weapon_tool methodically (i.e., via “brute force”) calculates a time-of-flight result for each group of engagement conditions in a (m X n X p X q X r) rectangular matrix of m aspect angles, n azimuth bins, p elevation bins, q range-rate bins, and r range bins. Any 0.0 value of time-of-flight indicates no intercept is possible; there are likely to be many zero values in the table.


aspect_angle_bin_count <number>
azimuth_bin_cint *<number>*

Specifies how many azimuth bins that will be used to generate the intercept envelope.

Default: 4

azimuth_limit <angle>

Specifies the maximum azimuth angle that will be used to generate the intercept envelope.

Default: 90.0 deg

elevation_bin_count <number>

Specifies the number of elevation bins that will be used to generate the intercept envelope.

Default: 4

elevation_lower_limit <angle>

Specifies the minimum elevation angle that will be used to generate the intercept envelope.

Default: -45.0 deg

elevation_upper_limit <angle>

Specifies the maximum elevation angle that will be used to generate the intercept envelope.

Default: 45.0 deg

range_rate_bin_count number

Specifies the number of range rate bins that will be used to generate the intercept envelope.

Default: 4

range_rate_lower_limit <range-rate>

Specifies the minimum range rate that will be used to generate the intercept envelope.

Default: -1000.0 ft/sec

range_rate_upper_limit <range-rate>

Specifies the maximum range rate that will be used to generate the intercept envelope.

Default: 1000.0 ft/sec

range_bin_count <number>

Specifies the number of range bins that will be used to generate the intercept envelope.

Default: 4

minimum_ground_range <range>

Specifies the minimum range that will be used to generate the intercept envelope.

Default: 0.0

maximum_ground_range <range>

Specifies the maximum range that will be used to generate the intercept envelope.

Default: 40.0 nautical miles