launch_computer <name> WSF_ATG_LAUNCH_COMPUTER
   ... launch_computer Commands ...
   ... WSF_LAUNCH_COMPUTER Commands ...
   ... WSF_ATG_LAUNCH_COMPUTER Commands ...


WSF_ATG_LAUNCH_COMPUTER implements a launch computer for a guided air-to-ground weapon cruising in approximately level flight. The object must have one or more Launch Acceptable Regions (LARs) defined (a moving Zone shape, specified relative to the launch aircraft location) that specifies the engagement geometry and flight conditions under which the weapon is expected to be able to hit the target. When there are multiple LARs defined, the launch computer will attempt to choose the LAR that most closely matches the current engagement conditions. In any case, if the current launch conditions do not precisely match the specified LAR engagement values, then linear sensitivities will try to adjust the LAR center to compensate. (For instance, if the launch speed is higher than the LAR-defined launch speed, the LAR will be be adjusted forward by some amount, to account for the fact that a faster weapon release will allow the weapon to fly further downrange to hit a target.) After the compensation, then the current tracked target location will be examined to be inside the adjusted LAR or not. If inside the LAR, the target location is attainable with the weapon, so weapon release may be attempted.

The weapon_tools application assists with creation of launch computers of this type. (See ATG_LAR_AND_LC_GENERATOR).


If more than one LAR is defined, update_interval must be specified and nonzero on the parent weapon to allow the launch computer to have an accurate internal state.



Enables debug output during run time for all LARs defined in the launch computer.

launch_acceptable_region <name> … end_launch_acceptable_region

Enables debug output during run time for a single LAR.

delta_altitude <length-value>

Difference in altitude between the launch platform and target platform. A positive value indicates the launch platform is above the target (as expected for an air-to-ground engagement).

launch_speed <speed-value>

Speed of the launch platform.

sensitivity_range_per_10m_altitude <length-value>

Additional forward offset applied to the LAR (in meters) to compensate for an altitude that is 10 meters higher than the nominal value, specified by delta_altitude.

sensitivity_range_per_10ms_velocity <length-value>

Additional forward offset applied to the LAR (in meters) to compensate for a launch velocity that is 10 meters/sec higher than the nominal value, specified by launch_speed.

sensitivity_range_per_percent_gradient <length-value>

Additional forward offset applied to the LAR (in meters) to compensate for a flight path angle gradient above the horizontal.

use_zone <global-zone-name> as <zone-name>

Specifies the zone that defines the LAR.