launch_computer <name> WSF_BALLISTIC_LAUNCH_COMPUTER
   ... launch_computer Commands ...
   ... WSF_LAUNCH_COMPUTER Commands ...


WSF_BALLISTIC_LAUNCH_COMPUTER implements a launch computer for an unguided weapon, such as a gravity bomb or unguided rocket. The weapon may have various engagement constraints that must be satisfied prior to launch of the WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON.

The weapon_tools application assists with creation of launch computers of this type. (See BALLISTIC_LAUNCH_COMPUTER_GENERATOR). The generated output product is a table providing the downrange travel and time of flight of a weapon dropped from a particular altitude and speed, which allows a future weapon release to be anticipated to place the impact location as desired.



Ordering of the following commands is important. Launch altitudes, launch speeds, and target altitudes must be defined before the time-of-flight and down range values.

launch_altitudes <minimum-altitude> <delta-altitude> <number-of-altitudes>

Specifies the minimum launch altitude, the altitude increment and number of altitudes that constitute the intercept envelope. Altitudes are assumed to be the height of the launcher above an ellipsoidal earth.


The number of altitudes must be greater than 1 and the altitude increment must be greater than 0.0.

launch_speeds <minimum-speed> <delta-speed> <number-of-speeds>

Specifies the minimum launch speed, the speed increment and number of launch speeds that constitute the intercept envelope.


The number of speeds must be greater than 1 and the speed increment must be greater than 0.0.

target_altitudes <minimum-altitude> <delta-altitude> <number-of-altitudes>

Specifies the minimum target altitude, the altitude increment and number of altitudes that constitute the intercept envelope. Altitudes are assumed to be the height of the target above an ellipsoidal earth.


The number of altitudes must be greater than 1 and the altitude increment must be greater than 0.0.

times_of_flight_values …

The time-of-flight value for the weapon, when released at the specified launch altitude, target altitude and launch speed. The number of value given must equal the number of launch altitudes X number of target altitudes X number of launch speeds, and the latter indices cycle faster than the former (typical “matrix” order).


The values entered must be in seconds.

downrange_values …

The down range distance from launch location to impact location, when the weapon is released at the specified launch altitude, target altitude and launch speed. The number of values provided must equal the number of launch altitudes X number of target altitudes X number of launch speeds, and the latter indices cycle faster than the former (typical “matrix” order).


The values entered must be in meters.


launch_computer example_lc WSF_BALLISTIC_LAUNCH_COMPUTER
   # Created by BallisticLaunchComputerGenerator on Fri Jan 13 15:02:49 2017
   launch_altitudes 3048 m 1524 m 2 # Min, Max, Number
   launch_speeds 128.611 m/s 25.7222 m/s 2 # Min, Max, Number
   target_altitudes 0.3048 m 3.048 m 2 # Min, Max, Number
   #  target_altitudes (m) = 0, 3
   #  target_altitudes (ft) = 1, 11

   times_of_flight_values # (seconds)
            # launch_alt = 3048 m, 10000 ft
      25.1523 25.1395 # launch_spd = 128 m/s, 421 ft/s, Mach=0.39
      25.179 25.1662 # launch_spd = 154 m/s, 506 ft/s, Mach=0.47
            # launch_alt = 4572 m, 15000 ft
      30.8852 30.8747 # launch_spd = 128 m/s, 421 ft/s, Mach=0.39
      30.9199 30.9094 # launch_spd = 154 m/s, 506 ft/s, Mach=0.47

   downrange_values # (meters)
            # launch_alt = 3048 m, 10000 ft
      3146.33 3140.31 # launch_spd = 128 m/s, 421 ft/s, Mach=0.39
      3763.21 3763.21 # launch_spd = 154 m/s, 506 ft/s, Mach=0.47
            # launch_alt = 4572 m, 15000 ft
      3841.33 3841.33 # launch_spd = 128 m/s, 421 ft/s, Mach=0.39
      4601.07 4601.07 # launch_spd = 154 m/s, 506 ft/s, Mach=0.47
