platform <platform-name> WFS_BRAWLER_PLATFORM
   mind_file ...
   mover ...
   debug ...
   draw_alternatives ...
   draw_nominal_states ...
   time_allowed_per_sector_search ...
   consciousness_event_update_time ...

   ... [[platform|Platform Commands]] ...


The WSF_BRAWLER_PROCESSOR “processor_type” is to be used for BRAWLER within-visual-range air-to-air combat maneuvering. See the “brawler_demo” for several examples of it’s use. The WSF_BRAWLER_PROCESSOR uses a WSF_BRAWLER_MOVER, WSF_PERCEPTION_PROCESSOR, and a WSF_QUANTUM_TASKER_PROCESSOR with script behaviors that leverage the WsfBrawlerProcessor evaluation and control functions. The WSF_BRAWLER_PROCESSOR relies on receiving a “WEAPON” task to know who its target is for 1v1 aerial combat maneuvering; this is exampled in the demo. See the WsfBrawlerProcessor script object class for all supported mover and route commands.


mind_file <file-name>

Specify a BRAWLER mind file for modeling mind and consciousness event updating. The MIND files in the BRAWLER unclassified release are 100% compatible.

Default No File - default values used

mover WSF_BRAWLER_MOVER mover-commands … end_mover

Defines the BRAWLER mover to be used by the BRAWLER platform.


If specified, debug information for every alternative evaluation will be printed to the standard output.


If specified, color coded dots of every forward-projected alternative will be rendered to the DIS replay file. Green means the alternative evaluated close to the maximum value seen so far, red means the opposite, yellow/orange is in between.


If specified, color coded dots of my target’s forward-projected nominal state will be rendered to the DIS replay file. Blue dots are mine and purple dots are my target. BRAWLER nominal states projection is simply a physics based forward projection where acceleration is ignored and velocity in locked constant for the projection. The nominal states are often used in the evaluation functions.

Supposed to represent that time allowed to search a sector of the sky. Affects consciousness event timing.

Default 10 seconds

consciousness_event_update_time <time-value>

Override BRAWLER consciousness event timing. If specified, all consciousness events will occur at this interval. Otherwise a dynamic timing calculation will regularly occur to determine proper consciousness event update times.

Default not specified