  effect <effect-name> WSF_COVER_PULSE_EFFECT
     ... Base Effect Commands ...
     ... WSF_PULSE_EFFECT Commands ...
     ... WSF_POWER_EFFECT Commands ...
     ... WSF_REPEATER_EFFECT Commands ...
     ... WSF_RADIUS_EFFECT Commands ...

     probability_of_cover <value>
     required_j_to_s <db-ratio-value>

     system_type_data <system-type-name> ... end_system_type_data


This base effect type can be included in the electronic_protect or electronic_attack technique block as one of the many available effects for a given technique. The commands listed below are the base-type commands that can be specified in the effect block for this effect type.

This effect is meant to add probability of covering a target return and a required jamming to signal (J/S) ratio that must be met in order for this effect to be applied. This effect can and is meant to be used in conjunction with the WSF_PULSE_EFFECT and WSF_POWER_EFFECT to apply pulse effects (i.e., jamming_pulse_density) and power gain effects, respectively.


probability_of_cover <real-value>

Specifies the the probability, in the range [0.0, 1.0], that the cover pulse is covering the skin return. A probability draw is done and if the draw is outside this probability then the effectiveness is 0.0.

Default: 1.0

required_j_to_s <db-ratio-value>

Specifies the minimum J/S ratio required for effectiveness.

Default: 3 dB

system_type_data <system-type-name> … end_system_type_data

Input block to provide the system type (e.g., SENSOR-TYPE, JAMMER-TYPE) specific data necessary to implement this technique for a given system type. Default data can be set up for system types not defined using the “default” string as the system type.

system_type_data <system-type-name>
   ... Base Effect Commands ...
   ... WSF_PULSE_EFFECT Commands ...
   ... WSF_POWER_EFFECT Commands ...
   ... WSF_REPEATER_EFFECT Commands ...
   ... WSF_RADIUS_EFFECT Commands ...

   probability_of_cover <value>
   required_j_to_s <db-ratio-value>

A string input of the system-type the following data applies to, valid values are [system-type-name | “default”]. Default data is used for unspecified system-types and if not defined no effect will be applied for the given system-type.