Script Class: WsfWeapon

   ... Platform Part Commands ...
   ... Articulated Part Commands ...
   ... weapon Commands ...

   launched_platform_type ...
   launch_delta_v ...
   ignore_launch_platform_velocity ...
   require_loft_angle ...
   require_intercept_point ...
   commander ...
   command_chain ...
   dis_entity_id_offset ...

   # Script Interface

  on_initialize ... end_on_initialize
  on_initialize2 .. end_on_initialize2
  on_update ... end_on_update
  script_variables ... end_script_variables
  scripts ... end_script
  ... Other Script Commands ...

  script void on_create(WsfPlatform aWeapon, WsfTrack aTarget) ... end_script



WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON represents a weapon that is modeled as an independent platform when it is fired.


launched_platform_type <string-reference>

Specifies the type of platform to be created when a weapon of this type is launched. The specified value must represent a valid platform type that must be defined when this object is initialized in the simulation.

Default: No default. Must be specified.

launch_delta_v <x-velocity> <y-velocity> <z-velocity> <speed-units>

Specifies the vector that represents the additional velocity, relative to the launching platform, provided by the launching mechanism. This value is specified in the entity coordinate system (+X is forward, +Y to the right and +Z down) of the launching part (see Articulated Part Commands).


If the net speed is less than 1 m/s, then a 10 m/s speed forward will be used if launch_delta_v is less than or equal to 1 m/s.

Default: 0.0 0.0 0.0 m/s (i.e., the initial velocity relative to the velocity of the launching platform)

ignore_launch_platform_velocity <boolean-value>

Specifies that the initial velocity of a launched explicit weapon will ignore the vector component of launch platform velocity. Normally the initial weapon velocity is the vector sum of launch_delta_v plus the launching platform velocity.


It is best to set this to true for ship-launched weapons because of a typical guided mover’s large integration time increment (typically set between 0.1 to 0.5 seconds).


If launched from a moving platform, it is best to set this to true to avoid possible misfires.

Default: false


Indicates that the launch_computer must have provided the attribute specified by the command.

commander <commander> [ command_chain <command-chain> ]

Specifies the commander(s) of the launched platform. If command_chain is not provided, the default command chain will be assumed. <commander> may be one of the following values:

  • A platform name, indicating the specified platform is the commander.

  • SELF, indicating that the launched platform is its own commander.

  • LAUNCHER, indicating that the launching platform is the commander.

  • LAUNCHER_COMMANDER, indicating the the launching platforms’ commander is the commander.

This command can be repeated multiple times to assign multiple commands (on different command chains).

Default: The launching platform is designated as the commander of the launched platform for each of the command chains in which the launching platform is a member.

dis_entity_id_offset <integer-value>

Adds this value onto the value of the platform index and sets the the weapon dis entity id. This value is used in the entity id fields in all DIS PDUs associated with this weapon. It is a way for the user to have some control of assigning weapon ids to weapons prior to launch and/or in a DIS environment. The the sum of the platform index and the value must not exceed 65535.

Default: 0

Script Interface

WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON uses the Common Script Interface, as well as providing the following:

script void on_create(WsfPlatform aWeapon, WsfTrack aTarget) ... end_script

Defines a script that is called immediately after the weapon platform is created but before it is actually inserted into the simulation. This script is typically used to modify attributes of the weapon platform that must change before the weapon is added to the simulation. ‘aWeapon’ is a reference to the newly created weapon platform and ‘aTarget’ is a reference to the target track object.


The weapon platform has not been initialized yet. It has a name, side, commander’s name, launch state, and target track. All other data on the platform is undefined.