... Platform Part Commands ...

   // Mover Commands

   update_interval ...
   update_time_tolerance ...

   // Follower Commands

   position ...
   altitude ...
   speed ...
   heading ...
   body_g_limit ...
   maximum_bank_angle ...
   maximum_axial_acceleration ...
   maximum_radial_acceleration ...
   maximum_climb_rate ...
   maximum_roll_rate ...
   maximum_turn_rate ...
   maximum_speed ...
   minimum_speed ...
   velocity_pursuit_gain ...

    // Formation Flyer Commands

   lead_aircraft ...
   offset_forward_from_lead ...
   offset_right_from_lead ...
   offset_down_from_lead ...



Mover Commands

update_interval <time-value>

If non-zero, specifies a periodic time interval at which the simulation will call the mover. If zero then the mover will be called only when it is necessary to determine the position of the containing platform.

Default: 0 seconds unless overridden by the specific mover implementation.

update_time_tolerance <time-value>

When a position update is requested by the simulation, if the time since the previous update is less than or equal to this value then the mover will ignore the update.

Default: Most mover implementations define this as the time it takes to travel 1 meter at some nominal velocity that is appropriate for the implementation.


A mover implementation may choose to ignore this command.

Follower Commands

position <latitude-value> <longitude-value>

Default: 0n 0e

Initial latitude and longitude position.

altitude <length-value>

Initial altitude above ellipsoid. (msl)

Default: 0 meters

speed <speed-value>

Initial speed.

Default: 10 meters / second

heading <angle-value>

Initial heading.

Default: 0 degrees

body_g_limit <acceleration-value>

The body g-limit. Value must be greater than the acceleration of earth’s gravity.

maximum_bank_angle <angle-value>

Maximum allowable bank angle. Value must be between 5 degrees to 85 degrees.

maximum_axial_acceleration <acceleration-value>

Maximum axial acceleration to use when acceleration is necessary.

Default: 0 g’s

maximum_radial_acceleration <acceleration-value>

Maximum radial acceleration to use when turning.

Default: 2 g’s

maximum_climb_rate <speed-value>

The climb rate to use when an altitude change is necessary. This value is used if the waypoint does not include a climb_rate specification.

Default: 5 meters / second

maximum_roll_rate <angle-rate-value>

Maximum roll rate. Value must be greater than 0.

maximum_turn_rate <angle-rate-value>

Maximum roll rate. Value must be greater than 0.

maximum_speed <speed-value>

Maximum speed constraint. Value must be greater than 0

minimum_speed <speed-value>

Minimum speed constraint. Value must be greater than 0.

velocity_pursuit_gain <real-value>

The factor of proportion applied to the heading change required to null the velocity vector to point at the offset point from the leader. This is the desired lateral acceleration when roll rate limits are imposed. Value must be greater than 0.

Formation Flyer Commands

lead_aircraft <name-value>

The name of the lead platform.


The formation rolls with the lead platform.

Default: Formation stays flat in the NED frame.

offset_forward_from_lead <length-value>

Offset forward from the lead platform.

offset_right_from_lead <length-value>

Offset to the right of the lead platform.

offset_down_from_lead <length-value>

Offset below the lead platform.


The follower platform is initially placed at the supplied offset from the lead platform instead of the initial position (latitude, longitude, altitude).