weapon_effects <name> WSF_GRADUATED_LETHALITY
  ... weapon_effects Commands ...

  discrete | interpolated
  use_3d_radius | use_2d_radius

  # Single table format (a single table for all target types}

  radius_and_pk | pk_and_radius ...
  ... repeat as necessary ...
  radius_and_pk | pk_and_radius ...

  # Multiple tables (target-type specific tables)

  target_type <target-type-1>
     radius_and_pk | pk_and_radius ...
     ... repeat as necessary ...
     radius_and_pk | pk_and_radius ...
  [ end_target_type ]


  target_type <target-type-n>
     radius_and_pk | pk_and_radius ...
     ... repeat as necessary ...
     radius_and_pk | pk_and_radius ...
  [ end_target_type ]



WSF_GRADUATED_LETHALITY computes lethality using a probability of kill (Pk) versus miss distance table lookup. The table lookup may be either interpolated or non-interpolated using either 2D (horizontal miss distance only considered) or 3D miss-distances.

Target-type specific tables may be defined to reflect effectiveness versus certain types targets. When an engagement occurs, the model will select the first table whose <target-type> matches any platform type within the inheritance hierarchy of the target platform. For example, if platform types F-18E and F-18F derive from a common F-18 platform_type, a target_type table for F-18 would be considered. If a target-type specific table cannot be found then the default table (see target_type) will be used. Note that even if the default table is defined first it will always be the last one considered.



The following weapon_effects commands are not compatible with WSF_GRADUATED_LETHALITY. Use of these commands will result in an input processing error.


This keyword specifies a flag denoting whether the Pk is interpolated within two concentric rings or stays constant from one boundary to the other.

Default: discrete


Miss distance is computed as either the slant range or horizontal distance between the weapon and target.

Default: use_3d_radius

target_type <target_type>

Introduce a set of radius and Pk values that pertain to the specified target type. All subsequent radius_and_pk and pk_and_radius commands up to the next command that does not define a radius/Pk pair are part of the table. An optional end_target_type command may be used to explicitly terminate the block.

A <target_type> of DEFAULT, default or WSF_PLATFORM should be used for targets whose platform type does have a matching target_type block.


radius/Pk definitions that appear outside a target_type specification apply to targets whose platform type does not have a matching target_type block (i.e., the default target type).

radius_and_pk <length-value> <pk-value>
pk_and_radius <pk-value> <length-value>

Specify an entry in the current Pk vs. miss distance table.