Platform Part Commands ...

   // Mover Commands

   update_interval ...
   update_time_tolerance ...

   // Hybrid Mover Commands

   follower_mover ...
   waypoint_mover ...
   current_mover ...

   ... Waypoint Mover Commands ...

   ... Follower Mover Commands ...



A specialized mover that consolidates the functionality of the WsfFollower mover and WsfWaypointMover mover.

Mover Commands

update_interval <time-value>

If non-zero, specifies a periodic time interval at which the simulation will call the mover. If zero then the mover will be called only when it is necessary to determine the position of the containing platform.

Default: 0 seconds unless overridden by the specific mover implementation.

update_time_tolerance <time-value>

When a position update is requested by the simulation, if the time since the previous update is less than or equal to this value then the mover will ignore the update.

Default: Most mover implementations define this as the time it takes to travel 1 meter at some nominal velocity that is appropriate for the implementation.


A mover implementation may choose to ignore this command.

Hybrid Mover Commands

follower_mover <name-value>

The name of the predefined follower mover.

waypoint_mover <name-value>

The name of the predefined waypoint mover (i.e., WSF_AIR_MOVER, WSF_GROUND_MOVER, or WSF_SURFACE_MOVER).

current_mover [follower_mover | waypoint_mover]

Sets the current mover to either the follower mover or the waypoint mover.


If the current mover is the follower and the lead no longer exists then switch back to the waypoint mover and return to the given route entering at the closest point.