Script Type: WsfIntegratingSpaceMover

   ... base mover commands ...
   ... Orbital Element Commands ...
   attitude_controller <type-name> ...
   maneuvering <type-name> ...



   # Script Interface

   on_initialize ... end_on_initialize
   on_initialize2 .. end_on_initialize2
   on_update ... end_on_update
   script_variables ... end_script_variables
   scripts ... end_script
   ... Other Script Commands ...


WSF_INTEGRATING_SPACE_MOVER implements a mover for a platform in the space domain. Unlike WSF_SPACE_MOVER or WSF_NORAD_SPACE_MOVER, which both use an analytical model to provide the future state of a platform, the WSF_INTEGRATING_SPACE_MOVER uses numerical integration. By using a user-specifiable dynamical model, this mover is not limited to the cases of interest for those two movers, namely, propagation where the Earth plays the dominant role in the dynamics. Further, the WSF_INTEGRATING_SPACE_MOVER supports hyperbolic propagation, and so can also be used to represent unbound orbits.

Users of WSF_INTEGRATING_SPACE_MOVER need to select an integrator and a dynamical model to fully specify the behavior of this mover. The integrator specifies exactly how the state of the platform is numerically propagated forward in time. The dynamical model specifies the forces that the platform will experience.

Users can specify the initial state of the platform in two ways: using orbital elements commands, or with kinematics directly using the initial_state command.

The dynamical models allow for terms that depend on the mass of the platform, the platform will need to have a mass specified. This can be accomplished by explicitly setting the mass on the platform, or by using a rocket maneuvering model for this mover.

The WSF_INTEGRATING_SPACE_MOVER is capable of executing a variety of maneuvers. Maneuvers can be specified through mission_sequence inputs, or they may be scripted with the WsfIntegratingSpaceMover script object and the mover’s script interface. Configurable maneuvering models determine how delta-V is expended in mission sequences in which maneuvers are performed.

The mover’s orientation is specified and controlled with the configurable attitude controller model. A variety of standard orientation options are provided, and the orientation can also be changed dynamically through script.


The start_date and start_time, or start_epoch commands should also be defined in the scenario as they are required to properly compute the ephemeris data.

Initial State Commands

Orbital State Commands

orbital_state … end_orbital_state

Specify the orbital state in the form of an epoch or epoch_date_time, and one of the following:

position <real> <real> <real> <length-units>

Sets the initial location of the space mover. This command must be used in conjunction with the velocity command.

velocity <real> <real> <real> <speed-units>

Sets the initial velocity of the space mover. This command must be used in conjunction with the position command.


The Position and velocity inputs must be provided sequentially, with the velocity input immediately following position.

//Example: Orbital elements declaration

platform test-oe WSF_PLATFORM
  add mover WSF_SPACE_MOVER
      epoch 2021245.18563
      semi_major_axis 10000 km
      eccentricity 0.2
      mean_anomaly 255 deg
      inclination 30 deg
      raan 120 deg
      argument_of_periapsis 80 deg

//Example: Position/velocity declaration

platform test-rv WSF_PLATFORM
  add mover WSF_SPACE_MOVER
      epoch 2021245.18563
      position 800 0 0 km
      velocity 100 3000 -50 m/s

//Example: TLE declaration
//Note: TLE declaration is only allowed within a WSF_NORAD_SPACE_MOVER

platform test-tle WSF_PLATFORM
        0 HST
        1 20580U 90037B   20216.30423610  .00000333  00000-0  92680-5 0  9996
        2 20580  28.4681 168.2117 0002666 190.3324 294.3699 15.09238375401891
epoch [<epoch-value> | platform_creation_epoch]

Specify the epoch that corresponds with the reference epoch at which the orbital elements are valid.

If platform_creation_epoch is specified, initial epoch will be set to the platform’s creation time.

//Example: platform_creation_epoch usage
//In this case, initial epoch will be set to 1 hour after simulation start

platform test-oe WSF_PLATFORM
  creation_time 1 hour
  add mover WSF_SPACE_MOVER
      epoch platform_creation_epoch
      semi_major_axis 10000 km
      eccentricity 0.2
      mean_anomaly 255 deg
      inclination 30 deg
      raan 120 deg
      argument_of_periapsis 80 deg
epoch_date_time <month> <day-of-month> <year> <hh:mm:ss>

Specify the date and time that corresponds with the reference epoch at which the orbital elements are valid.


The month is expressed in a three character format as follows:

jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun | jul | aug | sep | oct | nov | dec

The time of day is referenced to UT midnight and using a 24 hour clock.

Orbital Element Commands

designator <string-value>

Specify the designator for the space mover.

Default “00001A”


If a TLE is being used, the designator is provided by the TLE satellite international designator in line one.

eccentricity <real-value>

Specify the eccentricity of the orbit. The specified value must be greater than or equal to zero (circular orbit).

Default: 0


eccentricity must also be less than 1.0 (parabolic orbit) for the WSF_SPACE_MOVER and WSF_NORAD_SPACE_MOVER.

semi_major_axis <length-value>

Specify the semi-major axis of the ellipse defining the orbit.

Default: None. This must be provided or derivable from other commands. See Derivation of Orbital Element Input Values.


For an eccentricity of zero, the semi-major axis becomes the radius of a circle.


This input is equivalent with revolutions_per_day, as the two are related by Kepler’s 3rd law. If both are specified, the last one specified is used.

revolutions_per_day <real-value>

Specify the number revolutions per day the satellite orbits the Earth.

Default: None. This must be provided or derivable from other commands. See Derivation of Orbital Element Input Values.


This input is equivalent with semi_major_axis, as the two are related by Kepler’s 3rd law. If both are specified, the last one specified is used.

periapsis_radius <length-value>

Specify the periapsis radius of the ellipse defining the orbit. This is the smallest distance between the satellite and the center of the central body.

Default: None. This must be provided or derivable from other commands. See Derivation of Orbital Element Input Values.


For an eccentricity of zero, the periapsis radius is equal to both the apoapsis radius and the semi-major axis.


This input is equivalent with periapsis_altitude, as the two are related by the mean radius of the central_body. If both are specified, the last one specified is used.

apoapsis_radius <length-value>

Specify the apoapsis radius of the ellipse defining the orbit. This is the largest distance between the satellite and the center of the central body.

Default: None. This must be provided or derivable from other commands. See Derivation of Orbital Element Input Values.


For an eccentricity of zero, the apoapsis radius is equal to both the periapsis radius and the semi-major axis.


This input is equivalent with apoapsis_altitude, as the two are related by the mean radius of the central_body. If both are specified, the last one specified is used.

periapsis_altitude <length-value>

Specify the periapsis altitude of the ellipse defining the orbit. This is the smallest distance between the satellite and the surface of the central body.

Default: None. This must be provided or derivable from other commands. See Derivation of Orbital Element Input Values.


For an eccentricity of zero, the periapsis altitude is equal to the apoapsis altitude.


This input is equivalent with periapsis_radius, as the two are related by the mean radius of the central_body. If both are specified, the last one specified is used.

apoapsis_altitude <length-value>

Specify the apoapsis altitude of the ellipse defining the orbit. This is the largest distance between the satellite and the surface of the central body.

Default: None. This must be provided or derivable from other commands. See Derivation of Orbital Element Input Values.


For an eccentricity of zero, the apoapsis altitude is equal to the periapsis altitude.


This input is equivalent with apoapsis_radius, as the two are related by the mean radius of the central_body. If both are specified, the last one specified is used.

raan | right_ascension_of_ascending_node <angle-value>

Specify the right ascension of the ascending node (“raan”). This is the angle, measured counterclockwise along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox (the angle of right ascension) that the satellite crosses the equator from south to north (the ascending node).

Default: 0 deg


raan values must be greater than or equal to zero and less than 360 degrees (2\pi radians).


raan is referenced to the True of Date coordinate system.

inclination <angle-value>

Specify the separation angle of the tangent to the orbital plane with the Earth’s axis of rotation.

Default: 0 deg


inclination values must be greater than or equal to zero (equatorial orbit) and less than or equal to 180 degrees (\pi radians; retrograde equatorial orbit).


inclination is referenced to the True of Date coordinate system.

mean_anomaly <angle-value>

Specify the angular location of the satellite in its orbit at the epoch time. This angle is measured from the periapsis and represents the angle the satellite would traverse at a constant angular rate.

Default: 0 deg


mean_anomaly values must be greater than or equal to zero and less than 360 degrees (2\pi radians).


This input is equivalent with true_anomaly. See Derivation of Orbital Element Input Values.

true_anomaly <angle-value>

Specify the angular location of the satellite in its orbit at the epoch time. This angle is measured from the periapsis and represents the true angular location of the satellite.

Default: 0 deg


true_anomaly values must be greater than or equal to zero and less than 360 degrees (2\pi radians).


This input is equivalent with mean_anomaly. See Derivation of Orbital Element Input Values.

argument_of_periapsis <angle-value>

Specify the angle of the perigee (periapsis) with respect to the Earth’s surface. This angle is measured from the ascending node.

Default: 0 deg


argument_of_periapsis values must be greater than or equal to zero and less than 360 degrees (2\pi radians).

descriptor <string-value>

Specify an arbitrary descriptor (tag) for the space vehicle.


If a TLE is being used, the descriptor is provided in line 0.

Derivation of Orbital Element Input Values

For some orbital elements, there are multiple ways to specify a particular characteristic of the orbit.





















Orbit Size/Shape

The commands semi_major_axis and revolutions_per_day are equivalent inputs, as they are related by Kepler’s Third Law:

N = \frac{d}{2\pi}\sqrt{\frac{\mu}{a^3}}


  • d is the number of seconds in a day (86400)

  • \mu is the gravitational constant of the central_body


Note: Not to scale.

The commands periapsis_radius and periapsis_altitude are equivalent inputs because they are related by the central body radius. The same is true of apoapsis_radius and apoapsis_altitude. See the diagram above and the equations below:

r_p &= R + z_p

r_a &= R + z_a

where R is the mean radius of the central_body.

The periapsis_radius, apoapsis_radius, eccentricity, and semi_major_axis are related by the following two equations:

r_p &= a(1 - e)

r_a &= a(1 + e)

There are two equations with four unknowns; If two are specified, the other two can be determined. If only one of the parameters is specified, e (eccentricity) is assumed to be zero, and all four parameters can still be determined.

Mean/True Anomaly

The commands mean_anomaly and true_anomaly are equivalent inputs, related by the following equations:

M &= E - e\sin{E}

\cos{E} &= \frac{e + \cos{f}}{1 + e\cos{f}}


  • E is the eccentric anomaly, shown in the figure below.

  • f is the true anomaly, shown in the figure below.

  • M is the mean anomaly, which is measured from the periapsis and represents the angle the satellite would traverse at a constant angular rate


This file was derived from: Eccentric and true anomaly.PNG:, CC BY-SA 4.0,

   position <length-value> <length-value> <length-value>
   velocity <speed-value> <speed-value> <speed-value>
   epoch <epoch-value>
   epoch_date_time <month> <day-of-month> <year> <hh:mm:ss>
initial_state … end_initial_state

Set the initial state of the platform using ECI kinematics.

position <length-value> <length-value> <length-value>

Set the position of the platform in the ECI frame at the commanded epoch.

velocity <speed-value> <speed-value> <speed-value>

Set the velocity of the platform in the ECI frame at the commanded epoch.

epoch <epoch-value>
epoch_date_time <month> <day-of-month> <year> <hh:mm:ss>

Set the epoch at which the initial state is being given. Only one of epoch or epoch_date_time needs to be specified.


Specify that the initial kinematics are given in the J2000 frame. If this command is absent, the specified kinematics are taken to be in the ECI frame.

Orbital Integrator

integrator <orbital-integrator-name>
integrator … end_integrator

Specify the integrator used to propagate the state of the platform. Each integrator will have its own set of inputs that control its behavior.

Available Integrators

Dynamical Model

dynamics … end_dynamics

Specify the dynamical model used by the WSF_INTEGRATING_SPACE_MOVER. The dynamical model is used to update the state of the owning platform during the simulation. Dynamical models are collections of dynamical terms representing the various contributions to spacecraft dynamics.

Dynamical Term

term <orbital-dynamics-term-name>
term … end_term

Specify a term to be added into the orbital dynamics. Each term will have its own set of input commands to control its contribution to the dynamics.

Available Dynamical Terms

Conjunction Setup Commands

   with_target <target-platform>
   at_time <time>
conjunction_setup … end_conjunction_setup

Set this spacecraft’s initial conditions such that a conjunction with a given target spacecraft will occur at a specified time. During initialization an attempt will be made to find a solution with the given boundary conditions. If successful, this platform’s state will be set so that the specified conjunction occurs. If there is no solution (for example, the orbit would take the satellite through the Earth), the velocity of the spacecraft will be set to a default value (see below).

The initial position specification is one of the following: from_lla, from_eci or from_initial.

from_lla <latitude-value> <longitude-value> <length-value>

Set the initial position of this spacecraft to the given latitude, longitude and altitude. If there is no solution to the conjunction, the velocity of the spacecraft will be set to that of a circular orbit with a heading of 90 degrees.

from_eci <length-value> <length-value> <length-value>

Set the initial position of this spacecraft to the given position in the ECI frame. If there is no solution to the conjunction, the velocity of the spacecraft will be set to that of a circular orbit with a heading of 90 degrees.


Set the initial position of this spacecraft using other means to specify the initial orbit of the spacecraft. If there is no solution to the conjunction, the velocity of the spacecraft will be set to that provided by the other initialization methods.

with_target <string-value>

Specify the name of the target platform of the conjunction. This spacecraft will move to the position of the target platform at the time specified in the at_time command. The specified target must be the name of a platform that moves in the space spatial domain.

at_time <time-value>

Specify the time at which this spacecraft should suffer a conjunction with the specified target.

tolerance <real-value>

Specify the tolerance for the conjunction solution. The default value of the tolerance is 1.0e-9.

Attitude Controller Models

attitude_controller <attitude-controller-model-name>
attitude_controller … end_attitude_controller

Specify the attitude controller for the platform. All platforms having a WSF_SPACE_MOVER or WSF_NORAD_SPACE_MOVER will have an attitude controller of some kind. If no attitude controller block is specified, the mover will operate as if the instant attitude controller was selected.

Attitude controllers will attempt to change the orientation of the platform to match a given target orientation. At creation time, the attitude controller will have a target orientation specified by an orientation command in the attitude controller block. After creation, the orientation target of the attitude controller can be changed via WsfSpaceMover.SetOrientation.

Target orientations are either a one-time selection of the target orientation, or it will connect the attitude controller to one of the pre-set orientation types. In the latter case, the attitude controller will have a continually updated target orientation as the craft moves along its orbit.

Available Models:

Orbital Maneuvering Models

maneuvering <orbital-maneuver-model-name>
   maneuver_update_interval ...
maneuvering … end_maneuvering

Specifiy a model for executing orbital maneuvers in space.

Available Models:

Orbital Mission Sequence

      Common Mission Event Commands
      mission event-specific commands ...

   ... additional mission event definitions
mission_sequence … end_mission_sequence

Specify a sequence of pre-determined orbital mission events. The first mission event specified is executed first, then the second, etc. An optional constraint can be specified to delay execution of the sequence; otherwise the mission event will begin executing at the creation time of the platform.

Event types that can be placed in a sequence include the following:

Orbital Maneuver Events:

Non-Orbital Maneuver Events:

// Example: Two mission events to raise a satellite
// from an initial injection point
// into a geosynchronous transfer orbit  (GTO)
   // Constraint: delay two full orbits before executing
   execute_at orbit 2 relative_time 0.0 s

   // intermediate orbit
   event change_semi_major_axis
      semi_major_axis  9000 km
      execute_at orbit 2 ascending_node // Constraint with orbit delay

   // GTO
   maneuver change_semi_major_axis  // "maneuver ... end maneuver" block may be used with orbital maneuver types.
      semi_major_axis 24821 km
      execute_at ascending_node // Constraint without orbit delay

Script Interface

WSF_INTEGRATING_SPACE_MOVER uses the Common Script Interface, as well as providing the implicitly defined reference, SPACE_MOVER, which allows calling WsfIntegratingSpaceMover methods without type casting.