filter <name> WSF_KALMAN_FILTER
   ... Commands ...


Defines a Kalman filter for filtering tracks. The filter accepts input locations (from range, bearing, elevation, or location measurements). It produces an estimate of the tracked target’s location and velocity, as well as a state covariance matrix.


process_noise_sigmas_XYZ <X-value> <Y-value> <Z-value>

Defines the filter’s noise standard deviation for the three directions. The values are accelerations in the entity coordinate system (ECS) of the tracked platform. They must be entered in meters per second squared. See Process Noise Recommended Values below for example inputs.

Default: 0 0 0

process_noise_model [constant_velocity; constant_acceleration]

Selects the filter’s process noise model, either one based on a constant velocity of the target or a constant acceleration of the target.

Default: constant_velocity


Writes debugging information to the standard output.

range_measurement_sigma <length-value>

Defines the standard deviation that is applied to the measurement’s range prior to filtering.


This input is usually not needed. It is only used if there is no range error on the associated track.

Default: 0 m

bearing_measurement_sigma <length-value>

Defines the standard deviation that is applied to the measurement’s bearing prior to filtering.


his input is usually not needed. It is only used if there is no bearing error on the associated track.

Default: 0 deg

elevation_measurement_sigma <length-value>

Defines the standard deviation that is applied to the measurement’s elevation prior to filtering.


This input is usually not needed. It is only used if there is no elevation error on the associated track.

Default: 0 deg