launch_computer WSF_LAUNCH_COMPUTER

Script Class: WsfLaunchComputer

launch_computer <name> WSF_LAUNCH_COMPUTER
   ... launch_computer Commands ...
   ... WSF_LAUNCH_COMPUTER Commands ...


WSF_LAUNCH_COMPUTER assists to determine whether an WSF weapon may be effectively launched against a target track, and it provides an estimated time for the weapon to intercept the target track’s location.

This type is the most general implementation of launch computer, of use in an early conceptual study. It accepts a number of engagement constraints, and in response to a query, provides an indication of whether the engagement conditions are within constraints or not. The time-to-intercept function is then implemented per the requirements of the base class, which will return a huge value (forever) if an intercept is not attainable. Each constraint value supplied below must be met by the engagement, before a non-huge value time-to-intercept will be calculated.

For surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems, an estimated velocity profile can be deduced from thrust_duration, burnout_speed, coast_duration, minimum_terminal_speed, for use in time-to-intercept calculations.


maximum_delta_altitude <altitude-value>
minimum_delta_altitude <altitude-value>

Specifies the minimum and maximum difference between the target and the weapon. (Target higher than launch altitude is positive delta.)

maximum_closing_speed <speed-value>
minimum_closing_speed <speed-value>
maximum_opening_speed <speed-value>
minimum_opening_speed <speed-value>

Specifies the minimum and maximum approaching and receding target rates the weapon can engage. (Launcher-to-target distance decreasing is a positive closing speed; launcher-to-target distance increasing is positive opening speed.)


These values are not the target’s speed values but the effective “doppler” speed.

maximum_slant_range <range-value>
minimum_slant_range <range-value>

Specifies the minimum and maximum target ranges the weapon can engage.

maximum_time_of_flight <time-value>

Specifies the weapon’s maximum allowed time of flight.

maximum_boresight_angle <angle-value>

Specifies the weapon’s maximum off-boresight angle capability.

thrust_duration <time-value>

SAM system missile thrust duration.

coast_duration <time-value>

SAM system missile coast duration.

burnout_speed <speed-value>

SAM system missile burn-out velocity.

minimum_terminal_speed <speed-value>

The slowest speed at which the SAM still exhibits adequate terminal maneuver capability.