weapon_effects <name> WSF_MOBILITY_AND_FIREPOWER_LETHALITY weapon_effects Commands ... WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON_EFFECTS Commands ... ... WSF_MOBILITY_AND_FIREPOWER_LETHALITY Commands ... table <table_name> ... end_table target_type <target_type> ... vulnerability <cm_type> ... end_vulnerability end_target_type end_weapon_effects
The following weapon_effects commands are not compatible with WSF_MOBILITY_AND_FIREPOWER_LETHALITY. Use of these commands will result in an input processing error.
WSF_MOBILITY_AND_FIREPOWER_LETHALITY is used by an explicit weapon during fly-out, and discretely inflicts damage upon a target, and potentially other proximate collateral targets, categorized discretely as follows: <No Damage>, Mobility Kill, Firepower Kill, Combined Mobility and Firepower Kill, and Catastrophic Kill (MK, FK, MFK, and KK, respectively). The model allows for relative target hardness to be considered during the engagement, and also allows for consideration of countermeasures (CM) employed by the target for self-protection, which may partially or totally defeat the engagement.
As noted above some target types are inherently harder to damage than others. The model permits zero or more named probability tables to be defined via the table block. A single Table named “default” is always used when no other Table is explicitly applied. The user may provide this “default” table, or if not provided, one will be created by the implementation (with its own internal defaults).
The model allows for differing lethality Tables to be applied to a specific <target-type>, using zero or more target_type blocks. The set of probabilities specific to a given target type are collectively assigned to that target type via the table_name command. If the munition being defined does not explicitly provide a lethality to apply to <target-type>, then the “default” target type is used. As in the Tables specification, there is a special “default” target_type block, which the implementation will supply if the user does not. As a minimum, each target_type block will usually contain a table_name specification, or the “default” Table will be used.
At the WSF_WEAPON_FUSE termination of explicit weapon munition flyout, the miss distance from the target platform is examined. If the miss distance is less than the defined maximum lethal radius, a random uniform draw is made. If the draw value exceeds the Pmk_damage threshold, then some damage has been done by the munition upon the target. Depending upon the part of the draw that is “excess” to the threshold value, a comparison to a “kill-thermometer” is made, with a larger draw value causing increasing damage to the threat, as noted above. Note that a draw is ONLY made in the event that the closest-pass miss distance is less than the WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON_EFFECTS ‘maximum_radius’ setting.
Also note that subsequent to the first weapon impact, multiple weapon impacts upon the same target may produce additive damage upon the target, but do not guarantee to do so. Each weapon impact is considered in isolation, and does not consider existing target damage.
Mobility Kill (MK) imposes full damage (Platform Part DamageFactor = 1.0, or total damage) to the mover, and depending upon the implementation, can cause motion paralysis. Currently not all WSF mover types respond to this damage setting. Paralysis effect has been implemented for Waypoint Movers who are of the “Land” Domain.
Firepower Kill (FK) imposes full damage (Platform Part DamageFactor = 1.0, or total damage) to _each_ of the Weapons on the platform. Currently not all WSF weapon types respond to this damage setting. No WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON type is permitted to fire a weapon if so damaged.
Catastrophic Kill (KK) imposes full damage to all aspects of the platform, and all its attached parts, i.e. platform death, and usually, removal of the dead platform.
Probability Definitions (either of two keywords below are accepted):
probability_of_damage_given_proximity_hit = Pd_hit = Probability of damage, given a proximity hit (default = 0.50)
probability_of_mk_given_damage = Pmk_damage = Probability of receiving only a Mobility Kill, given damage (default = 0.15)
probability_of_fk_given_damage = Pfk_damage = Probability of receiving only a Firepower Kill, given damage (default = 0.15)
probability_of_kk_given_damage = Pkk_damage = Probability of receiving a Catastrophic Kill, given damage (default = 0.50)
<probability_of_mfk_given_damage> = <Pmfk_damage> = Probability of simultaneous M and F Kills, given damage (calculated = 0.20)
The top four probability threshold values above are constrained by input to the range within [0,1]; with defaults as shown. The user may then specify any or all values to override the defaults. The last one listed is not directly specifiable by the user, but is calculated to fill a uniform probability (the sum of MK, FK, MFK, and KK will be exactly 1.0). If the sum of the last four probabilities will exceed 1.0, the model will fail Initialization.
Weapon Vulnerability: As yet, no consideration has been given for a target which deploys explicit countermeasures (CM, which are explicit weapons in themselves) as a self-defense mechanism. Examples would include Flares, Chaff, or even obscurants such as Smoke grenades. So to cover this possibility, for each CM that the offensive weapon is vulnerable to, a degradation in lethality may be specified via the vulnerability block. This block may degrade lethality in one of three ways: a) by calling out an alternate_table_name which replaces the table_name Table, or b) a pk_factor degradation to be applied to the table_name Table, or c) a probability_of_weapon_defeat value, which removes the offensive weapon. While (a) overriding one table with another provides more specificity to the user, it only permits one CM type to have an effect upon the end lethality at a time. If multiple CM types are employed against the offensive weapon simultaneously, the (b) Pk degrade effects are cumulative only when Pk_factor is used for each vulnerability block in the target_type block. In the case of option (c), when the CM is judged to be “effective” (detail in paragraph below), the offensive weapon is immediately removed from the simulation. (Reason - CMs are often deployed in order to mis-track an inbound weapon away from its intended target. This lethality model _never_ diverts a weapon’s guidance, however, the removal of the inbound weapon approximates the effect. Both the shooter and the target may use the premature disappearance of the weapon platform as a visual cue that the CM was effective.)
For each vulnerability block defined for a CM type, there are minimum constraints that must be met before it is considered “effective” to inject its effect into the lethality model. Those constraints are: a) field-of-view half-cone angle, b) minimum and maximum distance limits, and c) a minimum persistence time in field-of-view. Each of these three constraints are defaulted to values which immediately pass the respective check (FOV=180deg, min=0 max=<huge>, duration=0 sec). Before a CM may inject its effect, then, every supplied constraint must be satisfied simultaneously. Example: “vulnerability FLARE probability_of_weapon_defeat 1.0 end_vulnerability” would guarantee that if even one FLARE-type exists in the simulation at time of fly-out, the target would immediately see the fired inbound weapon disappear. To add “minimum_duration 3.5 sec” to the block would require that the FLARE-type be persistent 3.5 seconds before it becomes effective.
CM existing in the simulation are each evaluated periodically to determine if they have become effective during the previous time interval. They become effective only once, and latch in that position ever after. The update_interval in the model is used to determine how often this evaluation is computed. A smaller interval provides greater time granularity, but at computational overhead.
Example Input¶
maximum_radius 30 m # No damage will occur to any platform unless detonation is within this radius.
update_interval 1.0 sec
table default # MUST be the first lethality Table specified.
probability_of_damage_given_proximity_hit 0.50
probability_of_mk_given_damage 0.20
probability_of_fk_given_damage 0.20
probability_of_kk_given_damage 0.80
probability_of_damage_given_proximity_hit 0.55
probability_of_mk_given_damage 0.22
probability_of_fk_given_damage 0.15
probability_of_kk_given_damage 0.60
probability_of_damage_given_proximity_hit 0.35
probability_of_mk_given_damage 0.20
probability_of_fk_given_damage 0.20
probability_of_kk_given_damage 0.80
probability_of_damage_given_proximity_hit 0.30
probability_of_mk_given_damage 0.25
probability_of_fk_given_damage 0.25
probability_of_kk_given_damage 0.50
target_type default # MUST be the first lethality specified,
# for all target types _not_ specified below.
table_name default # By default, this is "default", if not specified otherwise!
vulnerability FLARE
minimum_duration 0.5 sec
maximum_half_cone_angle 15 deg
minimum_distance 20 m
maximum_distance 5000 m
distance_value missile_to_target
#alternate_table_name FLARE_DEGRADE_TABLE # Table or Pk_Factor mutually exclusive.
pk_factor 0.8 # Table or Pk_Factor mutually exclusive.
probability_of_weapon_defeat 0.15 # This value will short-circuit the two above, and remove the weapon
vulnerability SMOKE
minimum_duration 5.0 sec
minimum_distance 20 m
maximum_distance 5000 m
alternate_table_name SMOKE_DEGRADE_TABLE
target_type TARGET
table_name TARGET_TABLE
vulnerability FLARE
minimum_duration 1.5 sec
maximum_half_cone_angle 15 deg
minimum_distance 50 m
maximum_distance 5000 m
alternate_table_name FLARE_DEGRADE_TABLE # Table or Pk_Factor mutually exclusive.
#pk_factor 0.8 # Table or Pk_Factor mutually exclusive.
vulnerability SMOKE
minimum_duration 10.0 sec
alternate_table_name SMOKE_DEGRADE_TABLE
minimum_distance 50 m
maximum_distance 5000 m
Table Definition¶
- table <table_name> … end_table¶
A named ‘table’ block supplies a set of four probabilities to be considered as a set under given conditions, and will be referenced by name elsewhere. It calculates a fifth probability, and assures that the aggregate probability is unity.
Table Commands¶
- probability_of_damage_given_proximity_hit <floating-point-value>¶
Specifies the probability threshold for applying damage to the target platform. (A shortcut of “Pd_hit” is also permitted.) A value of 0.90 indicates a 90% likelihood of some damage occurring, or a 10% likelihood of no damage occurring. Only if the threshold for damage is reached, is any further damage probability considered (as below).
- probability_of_mk_given_damage <floating-point-value>¶
Specifies the probability that the platform (if damaged) will suffer a mobility kill only. (A shortcut of “Pmk_damage” is also permitted.)
- probability_of_fk_given_damage <floating-point-value>¶
Specifies the probability that the platform (if damaged) will suffer a firepower kill only. (A shortcut of “Pfk_damage” is also permitted.)
- probability_of_kk_given_damage <floating-point-value>¶
Specifies the probability that the target platform (if damaged) will suffer a catastrophic kill. (A shortcut of “Pkk_damage” is also permitted.)
Vulnerability Definition¶
- vulnerability <cm-type> … end_vulnerability¶
A ‘vulnerability’ block specifies a degrading effect upon this offensive weapon, if it encounters the existence of countermeasure(s) of type <cm-type> employed by the target for self-protection. This block is accepted as a sub-command within target_type block.
Vulnerability Commands¶
- minimum_duration <TimeValue>¶
Specifies the minimum time the CM must be present to have its effect upon the inbound offensive weapon. Default = 0.0, or immediately.
- maximum_half_cone_angle <angle-value>¶
Specifies the maximum field of view angle allowable and still be regarded as a potentially valid CM. This is the 3-D angle measured between the LOS munition-to-CM, and LOS munition-to-target. Default = 180 deg, or always visible.
- minimum_distance <length-value>¶
Specifies the minimum distance allowable and still be regarded as a potentially valid CM. Measurement is determined by the distance_value setting. Default = 0.
- maximum_distance <length-value>¶
Specifies the maximum distance allowable and still be regarded as a potentially valid CM. Measurement is determined by the distance_value setting. Default = <huge>.
- distance_value <string>¶
Specifies the type of distance measurement to use in distance constraints. Possibilities are: “missile_to_target”, “countermeasure_to_target”, or “missile_to_countermeasure”. Default = “missile_to_target”.
- alternate_table_name <string>¶
Specifies the name of the table that will replace the table_name in the event that this CM is deemed “effective”. The CM is “effective” if it simultaneously passes the distance, half-cone, and duration tests above.
- probability_of_weapon_defeat <floating-point-value>¶
Specifies the probability that the given CM type will decoy the munition. The CM must first pass the “effective” criteria above. If this value is non-zero, a one-time random draw will taken for each instance of a CM of this type. If the random draw is successful, the offensive munition will not be diverted, but will instead be immediately removed from the simulation. Constrained to [0.0, 1.0]. Default = 0.0.
Target Type Definition¶
- target_type <target_type>’’ … end_target_type¶
A ‘target_type’ block provides the probabilities to be used and applied only to an engagement of a specific target type. It should contain one table_name to use, and zero or more vulnerability blocks.
Target Type Commands¶
- table_name <string>¶
Specifies the name of the probability Table to be referenced for an engagement against the given target type. The Table values will defined outside of the target_type block scope. Default = “default”.
vulnerability <string> … end_vulnerability
- update_interval <TimeValue>¶
Specifies the interval between countermeasure state evaluations, which computes at what time they may be considered as “effective”. Default = 1.0 sec.
table <table_name> … end_table target_type <cm_type> … end_target_type