sensor <name> WSF_OPTICAL_SENSOR
   Platform Part Commands ...
   ... sensor Commands ...
   mode <name>
      ... Antenna Commands ...
      receiver Commands ...
      ... WSF_OPTICAL_SENSOR Mode Commands ...


WSF_OPTICAL_SENSOR implements a simple optical sensor. The sensor model computes the target contrast assuming a constant background contrast and linear atmospheric attenuation for target detection chances.

The model’s contrast threshold is based upon “A Model for Visual Detection by Ground Observers,” Arthur C. Poe III, US Army Missile Command, Oct 1974 (AD-A017-599, Report RD-75-30).

Mode Commands

atmospheric_attenuation <value> per <length-units>

The fraction of the signal (in the closed range 0 to 1) that is attenuated per unit of distance traveled at sea level. The attenuation is adjusted to account for the density of air with the change in an altitude.

Default: 0.0 per meter (no attenuation)

background_radiance <value> <power-units>/<solid-angle-units>/<area-units>

Specifies the radiance of the background.

Default: 0.0

path_radiance <value> <power-units>/<angle-units>/<area-units>

Specifies the path radiance.

Default: 0.0

reacquisition_time <value> <time-units>

Specifies the sensor reacquisition time when a track is dropped.

Default: 3.0 sec

search_glimpse_data … end_search_glimpse_data
reacquire_glimpse_data … end_reacquire_glimpse_data
track_glimpse_data … end_track_glimpse_data

Specifies the data necessary to compute a glimpse probability table for each optical detection sequence.

   azimuth_fov ...
   minimum_elevation ...
   maximum_elevation ...
   number_of_iterations ...
   magnification ...
   apparent_half_angle_FOV ...
   minimum_resolution ...
   contrast_gain ...
   ocular_integration_interval ...
azimuth_fov <value> <angle-units>

Specifies the sensor’s azimuth field-of-view for the given glimpse probability.

Default: 5.0 deg

minimum_elevation <value> <angle-units>

Specifies the sensor’s lowest elevation look-angle for the given glimpse probability.

Default: 0.0 deg

maximum_elevation <value> <angle-units>

Specifies the sensor’s maximum elevation look-angle for the given glimpse probability.

Default: 5.0 deg

number_of_iterations <value>

Specifies the number of Monte-Carlo iterations that will be performed to create the probability table.

Default: 1000

magnification <value>

Specifies the sensor’s magnification.

Default: 1.0

apparent_half_angle_FOV <value> <angle-units>

Specifies the sensor’s apparent half-angle FOV.

Default: 45.0 deg

minimum_resolution <value> <angle-units>

Specifies the sensor’s minimum resolution.

Default: 0.001 sr

contrast_gain <value>

Specifies the sensor’s contrast gain.

Default: 1.0

ocular_integration_level <value> <angle-units>

Specifies the sensor’s ocular integration level.

Default: 0.05 deg