Platform Part Commands ...

   // Mover Commands

   update_interval ...
   update_time_tolerance ...

   // Parabolic Mover Commands

   tof_and_impact_lat_lon_alt ...
   tof_and_impact_lat_lon ...



This class approximates a ballistic trajectory. It may be used in three different ways: 1) It can fly a simple parabolic trajectory from specified initial conditions (vertical path subject only to a constant downward gravitational acceleration), or 2) it may specify final conditions, and how long to get there, and will fly constantly accelerated motion in order to arrive at the final desired impact point, or 3) if not set in some other manner, it will query its platform for the current target (if it exists), and will attempt to fly there, given its initial conditions.

NOTE: This mover will not terminate motion on its own; terrain impact must be determined separately, so the calculated final conditions (Lat, Lon, Alt) are only the desired values. The actual trajectory may terminate early, or fly through the desired point and continue on.

Mover Commands

update_interval <time-value>

If non-zero, specifies a periodic time interval at which the simulation will call the mover. If zero then the mover will be called only when it is necessary to determine the position of the containing platform.

Default: 0 seconds unless overridden by the specific mover implementation.

update_time_tolerance <time-value>

When a position update is requested by the simulation, if the time since the previous update is less than or equal to this value then the mover will ignore the update.

Default: Most mover implementations define this as the time it takes to travel 1 meter at some nominal velocity that is appropriate for the implementation.


A mover implementation may choose to ignore this command.

Parabolic Mover Commands

tof_and_impact_lat_lon_alt <time-value> <latitude-value> <longitude-value> <altitude-value>

The desired final conditions: time of flight and impact latitude, longitude, and altitude.

tof_and_impact_lat_lon <time-value> <latitude-value> <longitude-value>

The desired final conditions: time of flight and impact latitude, longitude. Altitude is determined by finding the terrain elevation at the given latitude and longitude.