Script Class: WsfWeapon

   ... Platform Part Commands ...
   ... Articulated Part Commands ...
   ... WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON Commands ...

   add_subobject ...



WSF_SIX_DOF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON is derived from WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON and represents a weapon that is modeled as an independent platform when it is fired.

The purpose of WSF_SIX_DOF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON is to allow a platform equipped with a WSF_SIX_DOF_MOVER to launch/jettison its SixDOF subobjects as weapons. This means that the mover will have been modeling any aerodynamic, propulsion, and/or mass effects from the subobject (such as weight and drag) prior to launch, and will then cease doing so as the subobject is launched/fired. This means a realistic reduction in performance due to carrying weapons is properly modeled by the WSF_SIX_DOF_MOVER. In addition, the relative location and orientation of the weapon relative to the parent vehicle is automatically specified within the definition of the vehicle_type. Since the subobject will have its own independent platform when it is fired, it is an explicit weapon. Any separation velocity and/or angular rates are specified in the parent SixDOF object.


add_subobject <string>

Specifies the base name of a subobject on the WSF_SIX_DOF_MOVER that will be launched/fired. Each individual subobject supported by the weapon (launcher) requires its own add_subobject command line. Each subobject must have a unique name. The subobject weapons will be launched in the order they are listed. Note that the launched platform type associated with the subobject is specified using the definition contained in the SixDOF platform mappings.

Default: No default. Must be specified.

Ignored Commands

A WSF_SIX_DOF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON represents a single physical weapon, and should not be used for general ammunition. The following commands are ignored and, if used, will result in a warning: