- effect WSF_SLC_EFFECT¶
effect <effect-name> WSF_SLC_EFFECT electronic_warfare_effect Commands WSF_POWER_EFFECT Commands auxiliary_antenna_pattern <pattern-name> auxiliary_beam_tilt <angle-value> number_of_canceler_channels <integer-value> cancellation_lock_ratio <dbratio-value> main_jnr_thresholds <min-db-ratio-value> <max-db-ratio-value> auxiliary_jnr_thresholds <min-db-ratio-value> <max-db-ratio-value> cancellation_ratio <dbratio-value> saturation_ratio <dbratio-value> cancellation_ratios ... end_cancellation_ratios # Optional Inputs - uses main channel antenna and/or receiver parameters if not specified. Antenna Commands ... receiver ... receiver commands ... end_receiver end_effect
This base effect type can be included in the electronic_protect or electronic_attack technique block as one of the many available effects for a given technique. The commands listed below are the base-type commands that can be specified in the effect block for this effect type.
If receiver and/or Antenna Commands are entered this will override the default use of a matched main and auxiliary channel receiver and/or antenna, respectively. In cases where these commands are used parameters are not copied from the main channel receiver and/or antenna and all parameters of interest should be set by the user.
- auxiliary_antenna_pattern <pattern-name>¶
Specifies the antenna pattern name to be used.
This antenna pattern will become the only and default antenna pattern.
This input will override (i.e., takes precedence over) the receiver antenna_pattern.
- auxiliary_beam_tilt <angle-value>¶
Specifies the beam tilt of the auxiliary receiver. The default tilt angle is derived from the receiver this effect is attached to if this is not defined.
Default: beam_tilt of the receiver for which the effect is attached
- number_of_canceler_channels <integer>¶
Specifies the number of canceler channels (i.e., canceling loops or cancelers).
- cancellation_lock_ratio <dbratio-value>¶
Specifies the canceling threshold level at which the signal will be canceled. Signal canceling will occur if the (auxiliary receiver channel)/(main channel power) >= cancellation_lock_ratio.
Default: 0.0 dB
- minimum_pulsewidth <time-value>¶
- minimum_cancelled_pulsewidth <time-value>¶
Specifies the minimum pulsewidth from pulse type jamming the canceler is able to operate on.
Default: 0.0 seconds
- canceller_settling_time <time-value>¶
- loop_settling_time <time-value>¶
Specifies the canceler loop settling time. This time is currently only used to interact with the WSF_POL_MOD_EFFECT polarization_switching_rate to negate any degradation and or multiple channels canceled by this EA effect.
If (1 / pol_mod_switch) < canceller_settling_time) then the number_slc_channels_saturated is set to 1 and the slc_degradation_factor is set to 1.0, since the canceler loop can lock on the polarization modulations effect.
Default: 0.0 seconds
- main_jnr_thresholds <min-db-ratio-value> <max-db-ratio-value>¶
Specifies the main channel JNR threshold levels to use as the lower and upper levels, respectively, at which the SLC will operate with the input jamming signal.
Default: 0.0 dB
- auxiliary_jnr_thresholds <min-db-ratio-value> <max-db-ratio-value>¶
Specifies the auxiliary channel JNR threshold levels to use as the lower and upper levels, respectively, at which the SLC will operate with the input jamming signal.
Default: 0.0 dB
- cancellation_ratio <dbratio-value>¶
Specifies the steady state cancellation ratio applied to jamming signals when the number of jammers is less than or equal to the number_of_canceler_channels.
- saturation_ratio <dbratio-value>¶
Specifies the steady state cancellation ratio applied to jamming signals when the number of jammers is greater than the number_of_canceler_channels.
Default: cancellation_ratio if entered by itself or 0.0 dB if a table is entered
- cancellation_ratios … end_cancellation_ratios¶
This command allows the definition of cancellation ratios that are:
number-canceled-jammers- and jammer-to-noise-dependent
jammer-canceled- and jammer-to-noise-dependent as described below.
To define a table that is nondependent
cancellation_ratios cancellation_ratio saturation_ratio | saturation end_cancellation_ratios
To define a table that is only jammer-to-noise-dependent
cancellation_ratios jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-1> <db-cancellation-ratio-1> jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-2> <db-cancellation-ratio-2> ... jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-n> <db-cancellation-ratio-3> saturation_ratio | saturation end_cancellation_ratios
To define a table that is only number-jammers-canceled-dependent
cancellation_ratios number_canceled_jammers <integer-1> cancellation_ratio <db-ratio-value> number_canceled_jammers <integer-2> cancellation_ratio <db-ratio-value> ... number_canceled_jammers <integer-n> cancellation_ratio <db-ratio-value> saturation_ratio | saturation end_cancellation_ratios
To define a table that is number-canceled-jammers- and jammer-to-noise-dependent
cancellation_ratios number_canceled_jammers <integer-1> jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-1> <db-cancellation-ratio-1> jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-2> <db-cancellation-ratio-2> ... jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-n> <db-cancellation-ratio-3> number_canceled_jammers <integer-2> jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-1> <db-cancellation-ratio-1> jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-2> <db-cancellation-ratio-2> ... jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-n> <db-cancellation-ratio-3> ... number_canceled_jammers <integer-n> ... saturation_ratio | saturation end_cancellation_ratios
To define a table that is jammer-canceled-dependent
cancellation_ratios jammer_canceled <integer-1> cancellation_ratio <db-ratio-value> jammer_canceled <integer-1> cancellation_ratio <db-ratio-value> jammer_canceled <integer-value-n> ... saturation_ratio | saturation end_cancellation_ratios
To define a table that is jammer-canceled- and jammer-to-noise-dependent
cancellation_ratios jammer_canceled <integer-1> jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-1> <db-cancellation-ratio-1> jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-2> <db-cancellation-ratio-2> ... jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-n> <db-cancellation-ratio-3> jammer_canceled <integer-1> jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-1> <db-cancellation-ratio-1> jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-2> <db-cancellation-ratio-2> ... jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-n> <db-cancellation-ratio-3> jammer_canceled <integer-n> ... saturation_ratio | saturation end_cancellation_ratios
- saturation <db-ratio>¶
This command allows the definition of saturation cancellation ratios that are nondependent or jammer-to-noise-dependent
To define a table that is only nondependent:
saturation saturation_ratio | cancellation_ratio <db-ratio>
To define a table that is only jammer-to-noise-dependent:
saturation jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-1> <db-cancellation-ratio-1> jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-2> <db-cancellation-ratio-2> ... jammer_to_noise <db-ratio-value-n> <db-cancellation-ratio-3>