Platform Part Commands ...

   // Mover Commands

   update_interval ...
   update_time_tolerance ...

   // Straight Line Mover Commands

   average_speed ...
   tof_and_speed ...
   maximum_lateral_acceleration ...
   guidance_mode ...
   guide_to_truth ...



WSF_STRAIGHT_LINE_MOVER implements a mover for a WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON that flies in a (more or less) straight line from the launch point to intercept a target track. The user is relieved of the need to specify weapon mass properties, propulsion, or aerodynamics tables, but with a resulting loss of fidelity. The target track must be provided by some WsfSensor or WsfProcessor type that populates the Current Target on the WsfPlatform, as obtained from its WsfTrackManager. This mover will implement either a constant average speed, or a speed table which is linearly interpolated versus time of flight for the weapon. Optionally, the user may specify a maximum lateral g limit which will limit the magnitude of any initial or final maneuvering acceleration.


No provision is made for flight termination in the event of either a target hit or miss, or for lethality determination. The firing WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON will normally supply the weapon_effects to be used, and a processor of type WSF_WEAPON_FUSE (or derived from it) will generally terminate the flight and invoke the weapon effect.

Mover Commands

update_interval <time-value>

If non-zero, specifies a periodic time interval at which the simulation will call the mover. If zero then the mover will be called only when it is necessary to determine the position of the containing platform.

Default: 0 seconds unless overridden by the specific mover implementation.

update_time_tolerance <time-value>

When a position update is requested by the simulation, if the time since the previous update is less than or equal to this value then the mover will ignore the update.

Default: Most mover implementations define this as the time it takes to travel 1 meter at some nominal velocity that is appropriate for the implementation.


A mover implementation may choose to ignore this command.

Straight Line Mover Commands

average_speed <speed value>

Specifies the weapon’s average speed that will be used for the duration of flight.

tof_and_speed … end_tof_and_speed

Specifies the weapon’s speed versus time profile that will be used. The time values must be in increasing numerical order.

   0.0 sec   1500 kts
   10.0 sec  1200 kts
   20.0 sec  1000 kts
maximum_lateral_acceleration <acceleration value>

Specifies the weapon’s maximum lateral acceleration that will be used for weapon maneuvers.

guidance_mode [ lead_pursuit | pure_pursuit ]

Specifies the weapon’s guidance mode. Using lead_pursuit, the velocity vector will always be aimed toward the current target track if stationary, and if the track is moving, will be extrapolated as necessary for a predicted time to intercept, mimicking proportional navigation guidance. Using pure_pursuit, the velocity vector will always be aimed toward the current target track.

Default: pure_pursuit

guide_to_truth <boolean-value>

Specifies if the perceived target location (as defined by the current target track) or the truth target location should be used in the guidance computations.

Default: false