EW Effects: Predefined Electronic Warfare Effect Types

effect <effect-name> WSF_TRACK_EFFECT
   electronic_warfare_effect Commands

   track_behavior  <behavior-type>
   required_j_to_s  <dbratio-value>
   range_error  <length-value>
   azimuth_error  <angle-value>
   elevation_error  <angle-value>
   velocity_error  <speed-value>
   range_walkoff_rate  <speed-value>
   azimuth_walkoff_rate  <angular-rate>
   elevation_walkoff_rate  <angular-rate>
   velocity_walkoff_rate  <acceleration-value>
   range_holdout <length-value>
   range_holdout_time <time-value>
   azimuth_holdout <angle-value>
   azimuth_holdout_time <time-value>
   elevation_holdout <angle-value>
   elevation_holdout_time <time-value>
   velocity_holdout <speed-value>
   velocity_holdout_time <time-value>
   range_recycle <boolean-value>
   azimuth_recycle <boolean-value>
   elevation_recycle <boolean-value>
   velocity_recycle <boolean-value>

   delay_table ... end_delay_table
   holdout_table ... end_holdout_table
   recycle_table ... end_recycle_table

   system_type_data <system-type-name> ... end_system_type_data

This base effect type can be included in the electronic_protect or electronic_attack technique block as one of the many available effects for a given technique. The commands listed below are the base-type commands that can be specified in the effect block for this effect type.


track_behavior <behavior-type>

Set the mitigating track behavior of the technique.

  • maintain - no impact on track if it is currently not dropped. will change to valid if it is currently dropped.

  • drop - causes a track drop (probably not relevant to an EP technique)

  • distort - introduces track errors (required if mitigating errors introduced by an EA technique)

required_j_to_s <dbratio-value>

Specifies the minimum J/S ratio required for effectiveness.

Default: 3 dB

range_error <length-value>

Specifies the inducing/mitigating range error introduced by this technique.

Default: 0.0

azimuth_error <angle-value>

Specifies the inducing/mitigating azimuth error introduced by this technique.

Default: 0.0

elevation_error <angle-value>

Specifies the inducing/mitigating elevation error introduced by this technique.

Default: 0.0

velocity_error <speed-value>

Specifies the inducing/mitigating velocity error introduced by this technique.

Default: 0.0

range_walkoff_rate <speed-value>

Specifies the linear rate of change of the range error introduced by this technique.

Default: 0.0

azimuth_walkoff_rate <angular-rate>

Specifies the linear rate of change of the azimuth error introduced by this technique.

Default: 0.0

elevation_walkoff_rate <angular-rate>

Specifies the linear rate of change of the elevation error introduced by this technique.

Default: 0.0

velocity_walkoff_rate <acceleration-value>

Specifies the linear rate of change of the velocity error introduced by this technique.

Default: 0.0

range_holdout <length-value>

Specifies the upper bound of the range error walkoff introduced by this technique. Can be used as an alternative to range_holdout_time and will override any range_holdout_time previously specified.

Default: None

range_holdout_time <time-value>

Specifies the time for each range walkoff cycle. Can be used as an alternative to range_holdout and will override any range_holdout previously specified.

Default: None

azimuth_holdout <angle-value>

Specifies the upper bound of the azimuth error walkoff introduced by this technique. Can be used as an alternative to azimuth_holdout_time and will override any azimuth_holdout_time previously specified.

Default: None

azimuth_holdout_time <time-value>

Specifies the time for each azimuth walkoff cycle. Can be used as an alternative to azimuth_holdout and will override any azimuth_holdout previously specified.

Default: None

elevation_holdout <angle-value>

Specifies the upper bound of the elevation error walkoff introduced by this technique. Can be used as an alternative to elevation_holdout_time and will override any elevation_holdout_time previously specified.

Default: None

elevation_holdout_time <time-value>

Specifies the time for each elevation walkoff cycle. Can be used as an alternative to elevation_holdout and will override any elevation_holdout previously specified.

Default: None

velocity_holdout <speed-value>

Specifies the upper bound of the velocity error walkoff introduced by this technique. Can be used as an alternative to velocity_holdout_time and will override any velocity_holdout_time previously specified.

Default: None

velocity_holdout_time <time-value>

Specifies the time for each velocity walkoff cycle. Can be used as an alternative to velocity_holdout and will override any velocity_holdout previously specified.

Default: None

range_recycle <boolean-value>

Specifies whether the walkoff should recycle to the minimum range error or stay at holdout. Only used if range_holdout or range_holdout_time is given.

Default: False

azimuth_recycle <boolean-value>

Specifies whether the walkoff should recycle to the minimum azimuth error or stay at holdout. Only used if azimuth_holdout or azimuth_holdout_time is given.

Default: False

elevation_recycle <boolean-value>

Specifies whether the walkoff should recycle to the minimum elevation error or stay at holdout. Only used if elevation_holdout or elevation_holdout_time is given.

Default: False

velocity_recycle <boolean-value>

Specifies whether the walkoff should recycle to the minimum velocity error or stay at holdout. Only used if velocity_holdout or velocity_holdout_time is given.

Default: False

delay_table … end_delay_table
holdout_table … end_holdout_table
recycle_table … end_recycle_table

This command provides the means to define either a delay, holdout or recycle time factor that is dependent on the J/S ratio, where J is the jamming power and S is the signal power in the receiver. If the range with non-zero delta is entered then a uniform random number draw is performed within the specified range. Linear interpolation is used to derive the values for intermediate J/S ratios before the random draw. J/S values outside the range of the table use the value from the appropriate endpoint (i.e., extrapolation is not performed). If this input is specified within the system_type_data input block then it is specific to a system-type, otherwise this input is defined as the ‘default’ data to use for undefined system-types in the system_type_data.

The format of the table is:

   jamming_to_signal <j_to_s-value-1> <min-time-value-1> <max-time-value-1>
   jamming_to_signal <j_to_s-value-2> <min-time-value-2> <max-time-value-2>
   jamming_to_signal <j_to_s-value-n> <min-time-value-n> <max-time-value-n>

The following rules must be observed:

  • The entries must be in order monotonically increasing J/S value.

  • There must be at least two entries.

system_type_data <system-type-name> … end_system_type_data

Input block to provide the system type (e.g., SENSOR-TYPE, JAMMER-TYPE) specific data necessary to implement this technique for a given system type. Default data can be set up for system types not defined using the “default” string as the system type.


A string input of the system-type the following data applies to, valid values are [system-type-name | “default”]. Default data is used for unspecified system-types and if not defined no effect will be applied for the given system-type.