processor <name> WSF_TRIMSIM_PROCESSOR
   processor Commands ...
   Platform Part Commands ...

   sensors ... end_sensors


   message_length ...
   message_priority ...

See also

trimsim_error type must be defined on the sensor(s) for this process to operate and apply errors properly.


WSF_TRIMSIM_PROCESSOR provides for the Time Difference Of Arrival (TDOA) algorithm was derived from the Theater-wide Reference Information Management Simulation (TRIMSIM) and SUPPRESSOR implementations. It models the effect of reference system errors on data fusion for air-to-ground targeting. The TDOA algorithm generates measurement errors of a target point in three dimensions based on errors from various sources. These errors are applied to the primary sensor’s (first sensor in sensors block) detection information.


The first sensor in the sensors list is initially set as the primary sensor and the rest are considered secondary sensors. Secondary sensors are updated by the processor while the primary sensor is updated on it’s own accord and triggers the processor to update the secondary sensors for a given target. If the number of the sensors in the list detecting the target meet the minimum_detections criteria then a detection is declared and errors are applied to the resulting track, the sensor result may not display the errors currently only the track.


If the first sensor is removed, either by the simulation or user, then the next sensor in the list will become the primary sensor if enough sensors are available to meet the minimum_detections criteria. If the minimum_detections criteria is not met due to the number sensors available then all sensors are set to operate in a normal manner.


The sensors must be passive type sensors.


The update_interval is not operational for this type of processor currently.

The processor is typically used in the following construct:

platform_type ...
   sensor sensor-1 WSF_ESM_SENSOR
      # Forward the tracks to 'track_proc'
      processor track_proc

   sensor sensor-2 WSF_ESM_SENSOR
      # Forward the tracks to 'track_proc'
      processor track_proc

   processor trimsim_proc WSF_TRIMSIM_PROCESSOR

      # Connect to sensors to collect 'interaction' data for processing
         sensor sensor-1
         sensor sensor-2

   # minimum detections required
   minimum_detections 2



sensors … end_sensors
   sensor <sensor-name>
   platform_sensor <platform-name> <sensor-name>
sensor <sensor-name>

Specifies the name of the sensor, <sensor-name>, on the same platform as the processor.

platform_sensor <platform-name> <sensor-name>

Specifies the name of the sensor, <sensor-name>, on an external platform with name <platform-name>.


The sensors must be passive type sensors.

minimum_detections <integer>

Specifies the minimum_number of detections required from the sensors in the sensor list to declare a detection by the primary sensor.

message_length <data-size-value>

Specify the logical length assigned to the track messages that are created from the image.

Default: 0 (use the value derived from the message_table )

message_priority <integer-priority>

Specify the priority assigned to the track messages that are created from the image.

Default: 0 (use the value derived from the message_table )

Script Interface

The following methods extend the WsfProcessor script class by adding the following methods to it:

AddSensor(string aSensorName)
AddSensor(string aPlatformName, string aSensorName)

Adds the sensor by name to the list of sensor on the WSF_TRIMSIM_PROCESSOR. If aPlatformName is omitted the sensor is assumed to be on the same platform as the processor.

RemoveSensor(string aSensorName)
RemoveSensor(string aPlatformName, string aSensorName)

Removes the sensor by name from the list of sensor on the WSF_TRIMSIM_PROCESSOR. If aPlatformName is omitted the sensor is assumed to be on the same platform as the processor.