
WsfRIPRProcessor inherits WsfProcessor

Job Board Management


void ClearBidsFor(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc)
void ClearBidsFor(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, int aChannelIndex)

Clears all bids from aProc for the jobs on the job board. If aChannelIndex is specified (for multichannel agents) the job bids for that channel are cleared.

double QueryBid(WsfRIPRJob aJob)

Returns the highest bid of all subordinates. If aExpandPassThroughs is set to true it will also include subordinates of subordinates in a recursive manner. aExpandPassThroughs is true by default. This call will execute the query_bid script block on the calling processor.

double QuerySubordinatesMaxBid(WsfRIPRJob aJob)
double QuerySubordinatesMaxBid(WsfRIPRJob aJob, bool aExpandPassThroughs)

Returns the highest bid of all subordinates. If aExpandPassThroughs is set to true it will also include subordinates of subordinates in a recursive manner. aExpandPassThroughs is true by default. This call will execute any query_bid script blocks on subordinate processors.


Array<string> ChannelJobTypes(int aChannelIndex)

Returns an array of all the job types (job names) that can use the channel indicated by aChannelIndex as specified by the channel_job_type input command. If the returned array is empty, then all job types can use the indicated channel.

Array<int> JobTypeChannels(string aJobType)

Returns an array of all the channels that aJobType (job name, also called job type) is allowed to use as specified by the channel_job_type input command. If the returned array is empty, then the job type can use all channels on the agent processor.

int NumJobChannels()

Returns the number of job channels (for multichannel agents). An agent can make bids for jobs for each of its channels and win bids for each of those channels separately. If the agent didn’t have “num_job_channels X” specified in its RIPR processor script input block, then it is not a multichannel agent and this method will return 1, the default.

void SetNumJobChannels(int aNumChannels)

Sets the number of job channels on an agent from script, during run-time. This overrides whatever the script input “num_job_channels X” specified in its RIPR processor script input block.

Job Board

bool IsBidWindowOpen()

Returns true if the job board bid window is open and false otherwise. The job board will only accept bids if the window is open.

bool IsJobWindowOpen()

Returns true if the job board job window is open and false otherwise. The job board will only assign jobs if the window is open.

int JobAllocationMode()

Returns a numeric value that identifies the allocation mode being used by the agent’s job board.

  • 0 == Spread

    • Default – The job board attempts to find a maximum profit matching between subordinates and jobs. If there are more jobs (or job slots, for jobs that can accept multiple winners) than there are subordinates (or bid channels among all subordinates) then some subordinates (or bid channels) will be left idle.

  • 1 == Greedy

    • Every subordinate is given the job he bids highest on with the highest priority, without regard for the maximum number of winners that the job allows. Every subordinate will get a job. (Disregards Job Stickiness value)

  • 2 == CoverThenGreedy

    • Like spread, but remaining unassigned subordinates will be given the job they bid highest on with the highest priority, even if that results in the job having more winners that the maximum specified. This mode may be preferable to Spread if you don’t want to hold subordinates in reserve and don’t mind some jobs being over-performed.

  • 3 == CoverThenSpread

    • Like spread, but remaining unassigned subordinates will be spread out over the pool of jobs with no job getting two extra winners before all jobs have one extra winner. This mode may be preferable to Spread if you don’t want to hold subordinates in reserve and don’t mind some jobs being over-performed.

  • 4 == StrictPriority

    • Awards the highest priority job to the highest bidder regardless of the bidder’s highest overall bid or the total profit of the system.

bool JobPassThrough()

Returns whether or not the processor has been designated as a pass-through processor. If true, the RIPR processor will pass any jobs down to subordinate RIPR processors and any bids up to its commander processor and will not process them.

void SetBidWindowOpen(bool aOpen)

Sets the state of the job board bid window. The job board will only accept bids if the window is open.

void SetJobAllocationMode(int aMode)

Sets the job allocation mode of the agent’s job board to aMode.

void SetJobPassThrough(bool aPassThrough)

Sets the pass-through flag on the processor. If true, the RIPR processor will pass any jobs down to subordinate RIPR processors and any bids up to its commander processor and will not process them.

void SetJobStickiness(double aScaleFactor)

Sets the job stickiness on the agent’s job board. Job stickiness is simply a scale value that is multiplied onto an agent’s bid for a job if he is currently a winner for that job. It is very common for a scenario to set the stickiness of all agents down to 1.0 so that bids can be tightly controlled by agent script. The default value of stickiness increases an agents bid on a job by 50% if he is currently the winner for that job.

Default: 1.5

void SetJobWindowOpen(bool aOpen)

Sets the state of the job board job window. The job board will only assign jobs if the window is open.


void AddJob(WsfRIPRJob aJob)

Adds aJob to the agent’s job board.

// Create a job with various parameters
WsfRIPRJob newJob = WsfRIPRJob.Create(PROCESSOR, newJobName, newJobDescription, newJobPriority, newJobMaxWinners);

// add newJob to my job board
int DeleteCompletedJobs()

Deletes completed jobs from the agent’s job board and returns the number of jobs deleted.

WsfRIPRJob GetJobByData(string aDataKey, Object aDataValue)

Returns the job with data matching the (aDataKey, aDataValue) key/value pair.

WsfRIPRJob tempJob = CommanderProcessor().GetJobByData(dataKey, dataValue);
WsfRIPRJob GetJobById(int aID)

Returns the job with the ID number aID.

WsfRIPRJob JobFor(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc)
WsfRIPRJob JobFor(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, int aChannelIndex)
WsfRIPRJob JobFor(double aSimTime, WsfRIPRProcessor aProc)
WsfRIPRJob JobFor(double aSimTime, WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, int aChannelIndex)

Returns the job won by aProc, if any. If aChannelIndex is specified (for multichannel agents) the job for that channel is returned, if any. Often used like:

WsfRIPRJob mCurrentJob = CommanderProcessor().JobFor(TIME_NOW, PROCESSOR);
Array<WsfRIPRJob> Jobs()

Returns an array of all the jobs on the agent’s job board. Often used by an agent to get the jobs from his commander’s job board, like so:

// get all jobs from my commander's job board
Array<WsfRIPRJob> jobs = CommanderProcessor().Jobs();
int PurgeDeadTakers()

Remove from all jobs any bidders who are no longer present in the simulation.

void RemoveAllJobs()

Removes all jobs from the agent’s job board.

void RemoveJob(WsfRIPRJob aJob)

Removes aJob from the agent’s job board.


WsfPlatform CommanderPlatform()
WsfPlatform CommanderPlatform(string aCommandChainName)

Returns the WsfPlatform for the current processor’s commander on the default command chain, or aCommandChainName if specified.

WsfRIPRProcessor CommanderProcessor()
WsfRIPRProcessor CommanderProcessor(string aCommandChainName)

Returns the WsfRIPRProcessor for the current processor’s commander on the default command chain, or aCommandChainName if specified.

// get number of peers targeting this track
int targeting = CommanderProcessor().SubsTargeting(targetTrack);
Array<WsfPlatform> SubordinatePlatforms()
Array<WsfPlatform> SubordinatePlatforms(string aCommandChainName)

Returns a list of platforms that are subordinates of the calling platform on the default command chain, or aCommandChainName if specified.

Array<WsfRIPRProcessor> SubordinateProcessors()
Array<WsfRIPRProcessor> SubordinateProcessors(string aCommandChainName)

Returns a list of processors that are subordinates of the calling processor on the default command chain, or aCommandChainName if specified.

double WallClockTime()

Returns the current system time.

Target Management

bool ClearTarget()

Clears the current target of the RIPR processor.

bool SetTarget(string aTargetName)
bool SetTarget(WsfPlatform aTargetPlatform)
bool SetTarget(WsfTrack aTargetTrack)

Sets the RIPR processor’s current target by name, platform, or track. Returns true on success.

WsfTrack Target()
WsfTrack TargetTrack()

Returns the local track of the RIPR processor’s current target.

string TargetName()

Returns the name of the RIPR processor’s current target.

WsfPlatform TargetPlatform()

Returns the platform script object for the RIPR processor’s current target.

Weapon Management

WsfPlatform ActiveWeaponPlatform(int aIndex)

Returns the platform of the active weapon from this RIPR processor, at the given index.

int PeersTargeting(WsfTrack aTarget)

Returns the number of peers who have the given target as their current target.

int PeersWeaponsActive(WsfTrack aTarget)

Returns the number of active weapons against the given target that originated from (or are being supported) by this RIPR processor and its peers.

int SubsTargeting(WsfTrack aTarget)
int SubsTargeting(WsfTrack aTarget, WsfPlatform aExcludePlatform)

Returns the number of subordinates who have the given target track as their current target. If aExcludePlatform is given, then this platform is excluded from the count of subordinates who might be targeting the track.

int SubsWeaponsActive(WsfTrack aTarget)
int SubsWeaponsActive(WsfTrack aTarget, WsfPlatform excludeSub)

Returns the number of active weapons against the given target that originated from (or are being supported) by this RIPR processor’s subordinates. The second form of this method allows you to specify a subordinate platform to exclude from the count.

int WeaponsActive()
int WeaponsActive(WsfTrack aTarget)

The first form returns the total number of weapons active from this RIPR processor. The second form returns the number of weapons active against the given target track.

int WeaponsActiveOfType(WsfWeapon aWeapon)

Returns the number of weapons of the given type that are active from this RIPR processor.

int WeaponsIncoming(Array<WsfPlatform> threatArray)

Returns the number of incoming weapons or detected objects (could be regular planes that are moving fast enough) that have been deemed “threatening” by a WSF_THREAT_PROCESSOR on the platform. The threatArray parameter is filled with the platforms of all the threats.