
Initial Words

Extension Words

Continuation Words


WsfTadilJ13_2C1 WsfTadilJ13_2C2








Message Methods

WsfTadilJ13_2C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ13_2C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ13_2C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ13_2C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

int OperationalCapability()
void OperationalCapability(int)

Get or set the value of the OperationalCapability field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

bool IsOffLoadableFuel()
void IsOffLoadableFuel(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsOffLoadableFuel field.

double Fuel()
void Fuel(double)

Get or set the value of the Fuel field. Units are Kg.

int RadarChannelType()
void RadarChannelType(int)

Get or set the value of the RadarChannelType field.

int RadarChannel()
void RadarChannel(int)

Get or set the value of the RadarChannel field.

int TimeReportFunction()
void TimeReportFunction(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeReportFunction field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


Field Accessors

int RadarStatus()
void RadarStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the RadarStatus field.

int InfaredStatus()
void InfaredStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the InfaredStatus field.

int MissileChannel()
void MissileChannel(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileChannel field.

int LaserStatus()
void LaserStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the LaserStatus field.

int TelevisionStatus()
void TelevisionStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the TelevisionStatus field.

int RadarWarningAndReceivingStatus()
void RadarWarningAndReceivingStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the RadarWarningAndReceivingStatus field.

int AirToAirWeaponsStatus()
void AirToAirWeaponsStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the AirToAirWeaponsStatus field.

int AirToGroundWeaponsStatus()
void AirToGroundWeaponsStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the AirToGroundWeaponsStatus field.

int RadioType1()
void RadioType1(int)

Get or set the value of the RadioType1 field.

int RadioStatus1()
void RadioStatus1(int)

Get or set the value of the RadioStatus1 field.

int RadioSecurity1()
void RadioSecurity1(int)

Get or set the value of the RadioSecurity1 field.

int RadioType2()
void RadioType2(int)

Get or set the value of the RadioType2 field.

int RadioStatus2()
void RadioStatus2(int)

Get or set the value of the RadioStatus2 field.

int RadioSecurity2()
void RadioSecurity2(int)

Get or set the value of the RadioSecurity2 field.

int RadioType3()
void RadioType3(int)

Get or set the value of the RadioType3 field.

int RadioStatus3()
void RadioStatus3(int)

Get or set the value of the RadioStatus3 field.

int RadioSecurity3()
void RadioSecurity3(int)

Get or set the value of the RadioSecurity3 field.

bool IsAutopilot()
void IsAutopilot(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsAutopilot field.

int IsSensorReportingAll()
void IsSensorReportingAll(int)

Get or set the value of the IsSensorReportingAll field.

int AircraftModel()
void AircraftModel(int)

Get or set the value of the AircraftModel field.

int AirSpecificType()
void AirSpecificType(int)

Get or set the value of the AirSpecificType field.


Field Accessors

bool IsSummation()
void IsSummation(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSummation field.

int NumberOfStores1()
void NumberOfStores1(int)

Get or set the value of the NumberOfStores1 field.

int StoreType1()
void StoreType1(int)

Get or set the value of the StoreType1 field.

int NumberOfStores2()
void NumberOfStores2(int)

Get or set the value of the NumberOfStores2 field.

int StoreType2()
void StoreType2(int)

Get or set the value of the StoreType2 field.

int NumberOfStores3()
void NumberOfStores3(int)

Get or set the value of the NumberOfStores3 field.

int StoreType3()
void StoreType3(int)

Get or set the value of the StoreType3 field.

int NumberOfStores4()
void NumberOfStores4(int)

Get or set the value of the NumberOfStores4 field.

int StoreType4()
void StoreType4(int)

Get or set the value of the StoreType4 field.

bool IsGunCapable()
void IsGunCapable(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsGunCapable field.

int TransponderStatus()
void TransponderStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the TransponderStatus field.

int InterrogatorStatus()
void InterrogatorStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the InterrogatorStatus field.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ13_3C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ13_3C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

int OperationalCapability()
void OperationalCapability(int)

Get or set the value of the OperationalCapability field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int FlightDeckStatus()
void FlightDeckStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the FlightDeckStatus field.

int LandingApproachCondition()
void LandingApproachCondition(int)

Get or set the value of the LandingApproachCondition field.

int ReportTimeFunction()
void ReportTimeFunction(int)

Get or set the value of the ReportTimeFunction field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

int SurfaceSpecificType()
void SurfaceSpecificType(int)

Get or set the value of the SurfaceSpecificType field.


Field Accessors

int MissileType1()
void MissileType1(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileType1 field.

int MissileCount1()
void MissileCount1(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileCount1 field.

int FireControlSystemCount1()
void FireControlSystemCount1(int)

Get or set the value of the FireControlSystemCount1 field.

int MissileType2()
void MissileType2(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileType2 field.

int MissileCount2()
void MissileCount2(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileCount2 field.

int FireControlSystemCount2()
void FireControlSystemCount2(int)

Get or set the value of the FireControlSystemCount2 field.

int MissileType3()
void MissileType3(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileType3 field.

int MissileCount3()
void MissileCount3(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileCount3 field.

int FireControlSystemCount3()
void FireControlSystemCount3(int)

Get or set the value of the FireControlSystemCount3 field.

bool IsOffloadableFuel()
void IsOffloadableFuel(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsOffloadableFuel field.

int FuelAmmount()
void FuelAmmount(int)

Get or set the value of the FuelAmmount field.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ13_4C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ13_4C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

string TrackNumberReference()
void TrackNumberReference(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberReference field.

int SubsurfaceSpecificType()
void SubsurfaceSpecificType(int)

Get or set the value of the SubsurfaceSpecificType field.


Field Accessors

int MissileType1()
void MissileType1(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileType1 field.

int MissileCount1()
void MissileCount1(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileCount1 field.

int MissileType2()
void MissileType2(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileType2 field.

int MissileCount2()
void MissileCount2(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileCount2 field.

int MissileType3()
void MissileType3(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileType3 field.

int MissileCount3()
void MissileCount3(int)

Get or set the value of the MissileCount3 field.

int TorpedoType1()
void TorpedoType1(int)

Get or set the value of the TorpedoType1 field.

int TorpedoCount1()
void TorpedoCount1(int)

Get or set the value of the TorpedoCount1 field.

int TorpedoType2()
void TorpedoType2(int)

Get or set the value of the TorpedoType2 field.

int TorpedoCount2()
void TorpedoCount2(int)

Get or set the value of the TorpedoCount2 field.

int TorpedoTubeStatus()
void TorpedoTubeStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the TorpedoTubeStatus field.

int VerticalLauncherStatus()
void VerticalLauncherStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the VerticalLauncherStatus field.

int FireControlSystemStatus()
void FireControlSystemStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the FireControlSystemStatus field.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ13_5C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ13_5C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

int OperationalCapability()
void OperationalCapability(int)

Get or set the value of the OperationalCapability field.

string TrackNumberReference()
void TrackNumberReference(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberReference field.

int SiteType()
void SiteType(int)

Get or set the value of the SiteType field.

int HotMissileCount()
void HotMissileCount(int)

Get or set the value of the HotMissileCount field.

int SamModeState()
void SamModeState(int)

Get or set the value of the SamModeState field.

int TimeFunction()
void TimeFunction(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeFunction field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

bool PerimeterEngagementStatus()
void PerimeterEngagementStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the PerimeterEngagementStatus field.


Field Accessors

int ColdInventory()
void ColdInventory(int)

Get or set the value of the ColdInventory field.

int OperationalImpairment()
void OperationalImpairment(int)

Get or set the value of the OperationalImpairment field.

int NATOLink1Status()
void NATOLink1Status(int)

Get or set the value of the NATOLink1Status field.

int Link14Status()
void Link14Status(int)

Get or set the value of the Link14Status field.

int Link11Status()
void Link11Status(int)

Get or set the value of the Link11Status field.

int Link11BStatus()
void Link11BStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the Link11BStatus field.

int Link16Status()
void Link16Status(int)

Get or set the value of the Link16Status field.

int ATDL_1Status()
void ATDL_1Status(int)

Get or set the value of the ATDL_1Status field.

int IJMSStatus()
void IJMSStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the IJMSStatus field.

int CommunicationsImpairment()
void CommunicationsImpairment(int)

Get or set the value of the CommunicationsImpairment field.

int ControlPositions()
void ControlPositions(int)

Get or set the value of the ControlPositions field.

int TimeFunction()
void TimeFunction(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeFunction field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

int PrimarySurvRadarStatus()
void PrimarySurvRadarStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the PrimarySurvRadarStatus field.

int SecondarySurvRadarStatus()
void SecondarySurvRadarStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the SecondarySurvRadarStatus field.

int TertiarySurvRadarStatus()
void TertiarySurvRadarStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the TertiarySurvRadarStatus field.

int AcquistionRadarStatus()
void AcquistionRadarStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the AcquistionRadarStatus field.

bool IlluminatingRadarStatus()
void IlluminatingRadarStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the IlluminatingRadarStatus field.

bool Mode4InterrogatorStatus()
void Mode4InterrogatorStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the Mode4InterrogatorStatus field.

int IFFInterrogatorStatus()
void IFFInterrogatorStatus(int)

Get or set the value of the IFFInterrogatorStatus field.