
Initial Words

Extension Words

Continuation Words






WsfTadilJ2_2C1 WsfTadilJ2_2C2 WsfTadilJ2_2C5



WsfTadilJ2_3C1 WsfTadilJ2_3C2 WsfTadilJ2_3C3



WsfTadilJ2_4C1 WsfTadilJ2_4C2 WsfTadilJ2_4C3 WsfTadilJ2_4C4



WsfTadilJ2_5C1 WsfTadilJ2_5C3 WsfTadilJ2_5C4



WsfTadilJ2_6C1 WsfTadilJ2_6C3 WsfTadilJ2_6C6


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ2_0E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_0E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_0C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_0C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsBailOut()
void IsBailOut(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsBailOut field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsC2Unit()
void IsC2Unit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsC2Unit field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

int SourceTrackNumber()
void SourceTrackNumber(int)

Get or set the value of the SourceTrackNumber field.

bool IsFlightLeader()
void IsFlightLeader(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsFlightLeader field.

bool IsMissionCommander()
void IsMissionCommander(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsMissionCommander field.

int GenericUnitType()
void GenericUnitType(int)

Get or set the value of the GenericUnitType field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int AltitudeQuality()
void AltitudeQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeQuality field.

int PositionQuality()
void PositionQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the PositionQuality field.

int Site()
void Site(int)

Get or set the value of the Site field.

int UnitType()
void UnitType(int)

Get or set the value of the UnitType field.

int OriginatorEnvironment()
void OriginatorEnvironment(int)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorEnvironment field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Course()
void Course(double)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


Field Accessors

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

double Elevation()
void Elevation(double)

Get or set the value of the Elevation field. Units are Meters.

int AirPlatform()
void AirPlatform(int)

Get or set the value of the AirPlatform field.

int AirActivity()
void AirActivity(int)

Get or set the value of the AirActivity field.

int MissionCorrelator()
void MissionCorrelator(int)

Get or set the value of the MissionCorrelator field.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ2_2E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_2E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_2C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_2C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_2C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_2C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_2C5 AddContinuation5()

Adds continuation word 5 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation5() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_2C5 FindContinuation5()

Returns extension word 5 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsMissionCommander()
void IsMissionCommander(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsMissionCommander field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsC2Unit()
void IsC2Unit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsC2Unit field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

bool IsAirborne()
void IsAirborne(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsAirborne field.

bool IsFlightLeader()
void IsFlightLeader(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsFlightLeader field.

bool IsActiveRelay()
void IsActiveRelay(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsActiveRelay field.

int IsRTTRelayOperational()
void IsRTTRelayOperational(int)

Get or set the value of the IsRTTRelayOperational field.

int NetParticipation()
void NetParticipation(int)

Get or set the value of the NetParticipation field.

int TimeQuality()
void TimeQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeQuality field.

int PositionQualityFt()
void PositionQualityFt(int)

Get or set the value of the PositionQualityFt field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

bool IsBailOut()
void IsBailOut(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsBailOut field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int NetNumber()
void NetNumber(int)

Get or set the value of the NetNumber field.

int IsNPGActive()
void IsNPGActive(int)

Get or set the value of the IsNPGActive field.

int AltitudeQualityFt()
void AltitudeQualityFt(int)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeQualityFt field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Course()
void Course(double)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


Field Accessors

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int AirPlatform()
void AirPlatform(int)

Get or set the value of the AirPlatform field.

int Activity()
void Activity(int)

Get or set the value of the Activity field.


Field Accessors

bool InterpretCallsign()
void InterpretCallsign(bool)

Get or set the value of the InterpretCallsign field.

bool InterpretLink4Addr()
void InterpretLink4Addr(bool)

Get or set the value of the InterpretLink4Addr field.

string Callsign()
void Callsign(string)

Get or set the value of the Callsign field.

int Link4Addr()
void Link4Addr(int)

Get or set the value of the Link4Addr field.

int VoiceFreqChannel()
void VoiceFreqChannel(int)

Get or set the value of the VoiceFreqChannel field.

int ControlChannel()
void ControlChannel(int)

Get or set the value of the ControlChannel field.

bool IsRelayActiveVoice()
void IsRelayActiveVoice(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsRelayActiveVoice field.

bool IsRelayActiveControl()
void IsRelayActiveControl(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsRelayActiveControl field.

bool IsAlternateVoiceChannel()
void IsAlternateVoiceChannel(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsAlternateVoiceChannel field.


Field Accessors

int NetNumber_NonC2_to_NonC2()
void NetNumber_NonC2_to_NonC2(int)

Get or set the value of the NetNumber_NonC2_to_NonC2 field.

bool NonC2_to_NonC2_NPG_status()
void NonC2_to_NonC2_NPG_status(bool)

Get or set the value of the NonC2_to_NonC2_NPG_status field.

int MissionCorrelator()
void MissionCorrelator(int)

Get or set the value of the MissionCorrelator field.

int WingmanIDLetter()
void WingmanIDLetter(int)

Get or set the value of the WingmanIDLetter field.

int TrackNumberCommander()
void TrackNumberCommander(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberCommander field.

int TrackNumberLeader()
void TrackNumberLeader(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberLeader field.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ2_3E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_3E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_3C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_3C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_3C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_3C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_3C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_3C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsC2Unit()
void IsC2Unit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsC2Unit field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

bool IsActiveRelay()
void IsActiveRelay(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsActiveRelay field.

int IsReplyStatusNetwork()
void IsReplyStatusNetwork(int)

Get or set the value of the IsReplyStatusNetwork field.

int NetParticipation()
void NetParticipation(int)

Get or set the value of the NetParticipation field.

int TimeQuality()
void TimeQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeQuality field.

int PositionQualityFt()
void PositionQualityFt(int)

Get or set the value of the PositionQualityFt field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

bool Spare3()
void Spare3(bool)

Get or set the value of the Spare3 field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int MissionCorrelator()
void MissionCorrelator(int)

Get or set the value of the MissionCorrelator field.

int AltitudeQualityFt()
void AltitudeQualityFt(int)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeQualityFt field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Course()
void Course(double)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


Field Accessors

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int SurfacePlatform()
void SurfacePlatform(int)

Get or set the value of the SurfacePlatform field.

int Activity()
void Activity(int)

Get or set the value of the Activity field.


Field Accessors

bool InterpretCallsign()
void InterpretCallsign(bool)

Get or set the value of the InterpretCallsign field.

bool InterpretLink4Addr()
void InterpretLink4Addr(bool)

Get or set the value of the InterpretLink4Addr field.

string Callsign()
void Callsign(string)

Get or set the value of the Callsign field.

int Link4Addr()
void Link4Addr(int)

Get or set the value of the Link4Addr field.

int VoiceFreqChannel()
void VoiceFreqChannel(int)

Get or set the value of the VoiceFreqChannel field.

int ControlChannel()
void ControlChannel(int)

Get or set the value of the ControlChannel field.

bool IsRelayActiveVoice()
void IsRelayActiveVoice(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsRelayActiveVoice field.

bool IsRelayActiveControl()
void IsRelayActiveControl(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsRelayActiveControl field.

bool IsAlternateVoiceChannel()
void IsAlternateVoiceChannel(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsAlternateVoiceChannel field.


Field Accessors

int UCoordinate()
void UCoordinate(int)

Get or set the value of the UCoordinate field.

int VCoordinate()
void VCoordinate(int)

Get or set the value of the VCoordinate field.

int BetaAngle()
void BetaAngle(int)

Get or set the value of the BetaAngle field.

int PositionQuality()
void PositionQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the PositionQuality field.

int AzimuthQuality()
void AzimuthQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the AzimuthQuality field.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ2_4E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_4E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_4C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_4C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_4C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_4C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_4C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_4C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_4C4 AddContinuation4()

Adds continuation word 4 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation4() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_4C4 FindContinuation4()

Returns extension word 4 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsPositionInContinuation()
void IsPositionInContinuation(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsPositionInContinuation field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsC2Unit()
void IsC2Unit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsC2Unit field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

bool IsActiveRelay()
void IsActiveRelay(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsActiveRelay field.

int IsReplyStatusNetwork()
void IsReplyStatusNetwork(int)

Get or set the value of the IsReplyStatusNetwork field.

int NetParticipation()
void NetParticipation(int)

Get or set the value of the NetParticipation field.

int TimeQuality()
void TimeQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeQuality field.

int PositionQualityFt()
void PositionQualityFt(int)

Get or set the value of the PositionQualityFt field.

double Depth()
void Depth(double)

Get or set the value of the Depth field. Units are Meters.

int DepthCategory()
void DepthCategory(int)

Get or set the value of the DepthCategory field.

int MissionCorrelator()
void MissionCorrelator(int)

Get or set the value of the MissionCorrelator field.

int DepthQuality()
void DepthQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the DepthQuality field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Course()
void Course(double)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


Field Accessors

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int SubSurfacePlatform()
void SubSurfacePlatform(int)

Get or set the value of the SubSurfacePlatform field.

int Activity()
void Activity(int)

Get or set the value of the Activity field.


Field Accessors

bool InterpretCallsign()
void InterpretCallsign(bool)

Get or set the value of the InterpretCallsign field.

bool InterpretLink4Addr()
void InterpretLink4Addr(bool)

Get or set the value of the InterpretLink4Addr field.

string Callsign()
void Callsign(string)

Get or set the value of the Callsign field.

int Link4Addr()
void Link4Addr(int)

Get or set the value of the Link4Addr field.

int VoiceFreqChannel()
void VoiceFreqChannel(int)

Get or set the value of the VoiceFreqChannel field.

int ControlChannel()
void ControlChannel(int)

Get or set the value of the ControlChannel field.

bool IsRelayActiveVoice()
void IsRelayActiveVoice(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsRelayActiveVoice field.

bool IsRelayActiveControl()
void IsRelayActiveControl(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsRelayActiveControl field.

bool IsAlternateVoiceChannel()
void IsAlternateVoiceChannel(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsAlternateVoiceChannel field.


Field Accessors

int UCoordinate()
void UCoordinate(int)

Get or set the value of the UCoordinate field.

int VCoordinate()
void VCoordinate(int)

Get or set the value of the VCoordinate field.

int BetaAngle()
void BetaAngle(int)

Get or set the value of the BetaAngle field.

int PositionQuality()
void PositionQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the PositionQuality field.

int AzimuthQuality()
void AzimuthQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the AzimuthQuality field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ2_5E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_5E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_5C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_5C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_5C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_5C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_5C4 AddContinuation4()

Adds continuation word 4 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation4() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_5C4 FindContinuation4()

Returns extension word 4 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsDisplacedPosition()
void IsDisplacedPosition(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsDisplacedPosition field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsC2Unit()
void IsC2Unit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsC2Unit field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

bool IsActiveRelay()
void IsActiveRelay(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsActiveRelay field.

int IsReplyStatusNetwork()
void IsReplyStatusNetwork(int)

Get or set the value of the IsReplyStatusNetwork field.

int NetParticipation()
void NetParticipation(int)

Get or set the value of the NetParticipation field.

int TimeQuality()
void TimeQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeQuality field.

int PositionQualityFt()
void PositionQualityFt(int)

Get or set the value of the PositionQualityFt field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

bool Spare3()
void Spare3(bool)

Get or set the value of the Spare3 field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int MissionCorrelator()
void MissionCorrelator(int)

Get or set the value of the MissionCorrelator field.

int AltitudeQualityFt()
void AltitudeQualityFt(int)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeQualityFt field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.


Field Accessors

bool InterpretVoiceCallsign()
void InterpretVoiceCallsign(bool)

Get or set the value of the InterpretVoiceCallsign field.

string Callsign()
void Callsign(string)

Get or set the value of the Callsign field.

int LandPlatform()
void LandPlatform(int)

Get or set the value of the LandPlatform field.

int LandPlatformActivity()
void LandPlatformActivity(int)

Get or set the value of the LandPlatformActivity field.

int VoiceFrequencyChannel()
void VoiceFrequencyChannel(int)

Get or set the value of the VoiceFrequencyChannel field.

int ControlChannel()
void ControlChannel(int)

Get or set the value of the ControlChannel field.

bool VoiceActiveRelayIndicator()
void VoiceActiveRelayIndicator(bool)

Get or set the value of the VoiceActiveRelayIndicator field.

bool ControlActiveRelayIndicator()
void ControlActiveRelayIndicator(bool)

Get or set the value of the ControlActiveRelayIndicator field.

bool IsAlternateVoiceFrequen()
void IsAlternateVoiceFrequen(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsAlternateVoiceFrequen field.


Field Accessors

int UCoordinate()
void UCoordinate(int)

Get or set the value of the UCoordinate field.

int VCoordinate()
void VCoordinate(int)

Get or set the value of the VCoordinate field.

int BetaAngle()
void BetaAngle(int)

Get or set the value of the BetaAngle field.

int PositionQuality()
void PositionQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the PositionQuality field.

int AzimuthQuality()
void AzimuthQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the AzimuthQuality field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ2_6E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_6E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_6C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_6C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_6C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_6C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_6C6 AddContinuation6()

Adds continuation word 6 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation6() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_6C6 FindContinuation6()

Returns extension word 6 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsC2Unit()
void IsC2Unit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsC2Unit field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

bool IsActiveRelay()
void IsActiveRelay(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsActiveRelay field.

int IsReplyStatusNetwork()
void IsReplyStatusNetwork(int)

Get or set the value of the IsReplyStatusNetwork field.

int NetParticipation()
void NetParticipation(int)

Get or set the value of the NetParticipation field.

int TimeQuality()
void TimeQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeQuality field.

int PositionQualityFt()
void PositionQualityFt(int)

Get or set the value of the PositionQualityFt field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int MissionCorrelator()
void MissionCorrelator(int)

Get or set the value of the MissionCorrelator field.

int AltitudeQualityFt()
void AltitudeQualityFt(int)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeQualityFt field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Course()
void Course(double)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


Field Accessors

bool InterpretVoiceCallsign()
void InterpretVoiceCallsign(bool)

Get or set the value of the InterpretVoiceCallsign field.

string Callsign()
void Callsign(string)

Get or set the value of the Callsign field.

int LandPlatform()
void LandPlatform(int)

Get or set the value of the LandPlatform field.

int LandPlatformActivity()
void LandPlatformActivity(int)

Get or set the value of the LandPlatformActivity field.

int VoiceFrequencyChannel()
void VoiceFrequencyChannel(int)

Get or set the value of the VoiceFrequencyChannel field.

int ControlChannel()
void ControlChannel(int)

Get or set the value of the ControlChannel field.

bool VoiceActiveRelayIndicator()
void VoiceActiveRelayIndicator(bool)

Get or set the value of the VoiceActiveRelayIndicator field.

bool ControlActiveRelayIndicator()
void ControlActiveRelayIndicator(bool)

Get or set the value of the ControlActiveRelayIndicator field.

bool IsAlternateVoiceFrequen()
void IsAlternateVoiceFrequen(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsAlternateVoiceFrequen field.


Field Accessors

int UCoordinate()
void UCoordinate(int)

Get or set the value of the UCoordinate field.

int VCoordinate()
void VCoordinate(int)

Get or set the value of the VCoordinate field.

int BetaAngle()
void BetaAngle(int)

Get or set the value of the BetaAngle field.

int PositionQuality()
void PositionQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the PositionQuality field.

int AzimuthQuality()
void AzimuthQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the AzimuthQuality field.


Field Accessors

int TimeTag()
void TimeTag(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeTag field.

int SquareRow()
void SquareRow(int)

Get or set the value of the SquareRow field.

int SquareColumn()
void SquareColumn(int)

Get or set the value of the SquareColumn field.

int GridZoneRow()
void GridZoneRow(int)

Get or set the value of the GridZoneRow field.

double Northing()
void Northing(double)

Get or set the value of the Northing field.

double Easting()
void Easting(double)

Get or set the value of the Easting field.

int GridZoneColumn()
void GridZoneColumn(int)

Get or set the value of the GridZoneColumn field.