
Initial Words

Extension Words

Continuation Words



WsfTadilJ3_0C1 WsfTadilJ3_0C2 WsfTadilJ3_0C3 WsfTadilJ3_0C4









WsfTadilJ3_3C1 WsfTadilJ3_3C2












Message Methods

WsfTadilJ3_0E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_0E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_0C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_0C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_0C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_0C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_0C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_0C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_0C4 AddContinuation4()

Adds continuation word 4 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation4() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_0C4 FindContinuation4()

Returns extension word 4 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsResponse()
void IsResponse(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsResponse field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

bool IsSlavedToUnit()
void IsSlavedToUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSlavedToUnit field.

bool IsLineAreaContinuation()
void IsLineAreaContinuation(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsLineAreaContinuation field.

int ReportIndicator()
void ReportIndicator(int)

Get or set the value of the ReportIndicator field.

int TimeReportFunction()
void TimeReportFunction(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeReportFunction field.

int PointLineDescriptor()
void PointLineDescriptor(int)

Get or set the value of the PointLineDescriptor field.

int Priority()
void Priority(int)

Get or set the value of the Priority field.

int PointType()
void PointType(int)

Get or set the value of the PointType field.

int PointTypeAmplification()
void PointTypeAmplification(int)

Get or set the value of the PointTypeAmplification field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


Field Accessors

int BurstType()
void BurstType(int)

Get or set the value of the BurstType field.

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

int EstimatedYield()
void EstimatedYield(int)

Get or set the value of the EstimatedYield field.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

int Altitude1()
void Altitude1(int)

Get or set the value of the Altitude1 field.

int Altitude2()
void Altitude2(int)

Get or set the value of the Altitude2 field.


Field Accessors

double DeltaLat1()
void DeltaLat1(double)

Get or set the value of the DeltaLat1 field.

double DeltaLon1()
void DeltaLon1(double)

Get or set the value of the DeltaLon1 field.

bool IsEndPoint1()
void IsEndPoint1(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEndPoint1 field.

double DeltaLat2()
void DeltaLat2(double)

Get or set the value of the DeltaLat2 field.

double DeltaLon2()
void DeltaLon2(double)

Get or set the value of the DeltaLon2 field.

bool IsEndPoint2()
void IsEndPoint2(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEndPoint2 field.


Field Accessors

double Speed()
void Speed(double)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

double Course()
void Course(double)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

int AreaType()
void AreaType(int)

Get or set the value of the AreaType field.

double AxisOrientation()
void AxisOrientation(double)

Get or set the value of the AxisOrientation field. Units are Radians.

double AreaMajorAxis()
void AreaMajorAxis(double)

Get or set the value of the AreaMajorAxis field. Units are Meters.

double AreaMinorAxis()
void AreaMinorAxis(double)

Get or set the value of the AreaMinorAxis field. Units are Meters.


Field Accessors

int ChannelNumber()
void ChannelNumber(int)

Get or set the value of the ChannelNumber field.

int DepthIndicator()
void DepthIndicator(int)

Get or set the value of the DepthIndicator field.

int DepthTransducer()
void DepthTransducer(int)

Get or set the value of the DepthTransducer field.

int SonobuoyType()
void SonobuoyType(int)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoyType field.

int SonobuoyPattern()
void SonobuoyPattern(int)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoyPattern field.

int SonobuoyTypeNumber()
void SonobuoyTypeNumber(int)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoyTypeNumber field.

double SonobuoySpacing()
void SonobuoySpacing(double)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoySpacing field.

double SonobuoyRowSpacing()
void SonobuoyRowSpacing(double)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoyRowSpacing field.

double SonobuoyPatternRadius()
void SonobuoyPatternRadius(double)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoyPatternRadius field.

double Bearing()
void Bearing(double)

Get or set the value of the Bearing field.

bool HasContact()
void HasContact(bool)

Get or set the value of the HasContact field.


Field Accessors

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int SonobuoyType()
void SonobuoyType(int)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoyType field.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ3_1E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_1E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_1C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_1C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int PersonnelCount()
void PersonnelCount(int)

Get or set the value of the PersonnelCount field.

int EmergencyType()
void EmergencyType(int)

Get or set the value of the EmergencyType field.

string TrackNumberPrevious()
void TrackNumberPrevious(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberPrevious field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

int TimeFunction()
void TimeFunction(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeFunction field.

int PositionAccuracy()
void PositionAccuracy(int)

Get or set the value of the PositionAccuracy field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


Field Accessors

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int Mode4Code()
void Mode4Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode4Code field.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ3_2E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_2E0 FindExtension0()
Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

Note: If additional extension words have been added, they can be referenced in the same format. Example: FindExtension1() will extract a WsfTadilJ3_2E1 extension word if, and only if, extension word 1 was provided.

WsfTadilJ3_2C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_2C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsSourcePPLI()
void IsSourcePPLI(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSourcePPLI field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

int AltitudeSource()
void AltitudeSource(int)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeSource field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

bool IsIdentityDifference()
void IsIdentityDifference(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsIdentityDifference field.

int TrackQuality()
void TrackQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackQuality field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

bool IsSpecialIntrest()
void IsSpecialIntrest(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialIntrest field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

bool IsSensorActive()
void IsSensorActive(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSensorActive field.

double Course()
void Course(double)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


Field Accessors

bool IsAirSpecificType()
void IsAirSpecificType(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsAirSpecificType field.

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int Mode4Code()
void Mode4Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode4Code field.

int PPLI_IFF_Indicator()
void PPLI_IFF_Indicator(int)

Get or set the value of the PPLI_IFF_Indicator field.

int AirSpecificType()
void AirSpecificType(int)

Get or set the value of the AirSpecificType field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ3_3E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_3E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_3C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_3C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_3C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_3C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsSourcePPLI()
void IsSourcePPLI(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSourcePPLI field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

int SurfaceSpecificType()
void SurfaceSpecificType(int)

Get or set the value of the SurfaceSpecificType field.

bool IsIdentityDifference()
void IsIdentityDifference(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsIdentityDifference field.

int TrackQuality()
void TrackQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackQuality field.

int IdentityConfidence()
void IdentityConfidence(int)

Get or set the value of the IdentityConfidence field.

int IdentityAmplify()
void IdentityAmplify(int)

Get or set the value of the IdentityAmplify field.

bool IsSpecialIntrest()
void IsSpecialIntrest(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialIntrest field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

bool ActiveSensor()
void ActiveSensor(bool)

Get or set the value of the ActiveSensor field.

double Course()
void Course(double)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


Field Accessors

bool IsAirSpecificType()
void IsAirSpecificType(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsAirSpecificType field.

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int Mode4Code()
void Mode4Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode4Code field.

int PPLI_IFF_Indicator()
void PPLI_IFF_Indicator(int)

Get or set the value of the PPLI_IFF_Indicator field.

int SurfacePlatform()
void SurfacePlatform(int)

Get or set the value of the SurfacePlatform field.

int SurfacePlatformActivity()
void SurfacePlatformActivity(int)

Get or set the value of the SurfacePlatformActivity field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


Field Accessors

int SAM_Type1()
void SAM_Type1(int)

Get or set the value of the SAM_Type1 field.

int SAM_Type2()
void SAM_Type2(int)

Get or set the value of the SAM_Type2 field.

int SAM_Type3()
void SAM_Type3(int)

Get or set the value of the SAM_Type3 field.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ3_4E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_4E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_4C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_4C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsSourcePPLI()
void IsSourcePPLI(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSourcePPLI field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int DataReportType()
void DataReportType(int)

Get or set the value of the DataReportType field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

int ConfidenceLevel()
void ConfidenceLevel(int)

Get or set the value of the ConfidenceLevel field.

int SubsurfacePlatform()
void SubsurfacePlatform(int)

Get or set the value of the SubsurfacePlatform field.

int SubsurfacePlatformActivity()
void SubsurfacePlatformActivity(int)

Get or set the value of the SubsurfacePlatformActivity field.

bool IsIdentityDifference()
void IsIdentityDifference(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsIdentityDifference field.

int LaunchCapability()
void LaunchCapability(int)

Get or set the value of the LaunchCapability field.


Field Accessors

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Course()
void Course(double)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


Field Accessors

int Minute()
void Minute(int)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

double Depth()
void Depth(double)

Get or set the value of the Depth field. Units are Meters.

int DepthContact()
void DepthContact(int)

Get or set the value of the DepthContact field.

int Sensor()
void Sensor(int)

Get or set the value of the Sensor field.

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int Mode4Code()
void Mode4Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode4Code field.

int TimeFunction()
void TimeFunction(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeFunction field.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ3_5E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_5E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_5C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_5C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int PointOrTrack()
void PointOrTrack(int)

Get or set the value of the PointOrTrack field.

int ReportType()
void ReportType(int)

Get or set the value of the ReportType field.

bool IsSourcePPLI()
void IsSourcePPLI(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSourcePPLI field.

bool IsIdentityDifference()
void IsIdentityDifference(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsIdentityDifference field.

int TrackQuality()
void TrackQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackQuality field.

int IdentityConfidence()
void IdentityConfidence(int)

Get or set the value of the IdentityConfidence field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

bool IsSpecialIntrest()
void IsSpecialIntrest(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialIntrest field.


Field Accessors

int TrackIdentifier()
void TrackIdentifier(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackIdentifier field.

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

bool ActiveSensor()
void ActiveSensor(bool)

Get or set the value of the ActiveSensor field.

double Course()
void Course(double)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


Field Accessors

bool IsLandSpecificType()
void IsLandSpecificType(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsLandSpecificType field.

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int Mode4Code()
void Mode4Code(int)

Get or set the value of the Mode4Code field.

int PPLI_IFF_Indicator()
void PPLI_IFF_Indicator(int)

Get or set the value of the PPLI_IFF_Indicator field.

int LandSpecificType()
void LandSpecificType(int)

Get or set the value of the LandSpecificType field.

int TimeFunction()
void TimeFunction(int)

Get or set the value of the TimeFunction field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


Message Methods

WsfTadilJ3_6E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_6E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_6E1 AddExtension1()

Adds extension word 1 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word, and only after extension word 0 has been added.Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension1 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_6E1 FindExtension1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

bool IsSpecificType()
void IsSpecificType(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecificType field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Second()
void Second(int)

Get or set the value of the Second field.

int TrackQuality()
void TrackQuality(int)

Get or set the value of the TrackQuality field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

bool IsIdentityDifferent()
void IsIdentityDifferent(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsIdentityDifferent field.

int SpacePlatform()
void SpacePlatform(int)

Get or set the value of the SpacePlatform field.

int SpaceActivity()
void SpaceActivity(int)

Get or set the value of the SpaceActivity field.


Field Accessors

double WcsX()
void WcsX(double)

Get or set the value of the WcsX field. Units are Meters.

double WcsVelX()
void WcsVelX(double)

Get or set the value of the WcsVelX field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double WcsY()
void WcsY(double)

Get or set the value of the WcsY field. Units are Meters.

int SpaceAmplify()
void SpaceAmplify(int)

Get or set the value of the SpaceAmplify field.

int AmplifyConfidence()
void AmplifyConfidence(int)

Get or set the value of the AmplifyConfidence field.


Field Accessors

double WcsVelY()
void WcsVelY(double)

Get or set the value of the WcsVelY field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double WcsZ()
void WcsZ(double)

Get or set the value of the WcsZ field. Units are Meters.

double WcsVelZ()
void WcsVelZ(double)

Get or set the value of the WcsVelZ field. Units are Meters Per Second.

bool IsTrackLost()
void IsTrackLost(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsTrackLost field.

bool IsBoosting()
void IsBoosting(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsBoosting field.

int DataIndicator()
void DataIndicator(int)

Get or set the value of the DataIndicator field.


Message Methods

Field Accessors

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergency()
void IsEmergency(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergency field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

bool IsResponse()
void IsResponse(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsResponse field.

int FixOrBearingDescriptor()
void FixOrBearingDescriptor(int)

Get or set the value of the FixOrBearingDescriptor field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Second()
void Second(int)

Get or set the value of the Second field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

bool IsIdentityDifferent()
void IsIdentityDifferent(bool)

Get or set the value of the IsIdentityDifferent field.

int CircleSquareSwitch()
void CircleSquareSwitch(int)

Get or set the value of the CircleSquareSwitch field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.