
zone_set <zone_name> … end_zone_set
zone_set <zone_name>
      ... zone definition ...

      ... zone definition ...

      ... attenuation parameters ...

   use_zone <shared_zone_name>
   use_exclude_zone <shared_zone_name>

   fill_color <color-value>
   line_color <color-value>



A zone_set is a zone which is composed of discrete zone components known as zone set elements. A zone set element may be either an inclusion zone or an exclusion zone. Further, a zone set element may be either an embedded zone or a use_zone. Embedded zones are defined directly within the definition of the containing zone set. Use zones are copies of externally defined zones which are added to the zone set.

A point is considered to be contained in the zone set if it is contained within at least one inclusion zone and not contained in any exclusion zones. To be functional, a zone_set must contain at least one inclusion zone.

A zone_set is a zone. Therefore, a zone set is defined by zone properties, including:


zone … end_zone

Create an embedded zone that will act as an inclusion zone for this zone_set.


This command may occur 0 or more times.

exclude_zone … end_exclude_zone

Create an embedded zone that will act as an exclusion zone for this zone_set.


This command may occur 0 or more times.

use_zone <shared_zone_name>

Declare that the specified shared zone is to be an inclusion zone for this zone set.


This command may occur 0 or more times.

use_exclude_zone <shared_zone_name>

Declare that the specified shared zone is to be an exclusion zone for this zone set.


This command may occur 0 or more times.

fill_color <color-value>

Defines the fill color for a zone.


If color is specified by name, the fill alpha will be set to 63 in the [0, 255] range.

line_color <color-value>

Defines the line color for a zone.

attenuation_parameters … end_attenuation_parameters

Defines the variables necessary to define attenuation to the given zone_set. Zone-based attenuation provides a mechanism to attenuate an RF or optical signal from a communications or sensor device without resorting to complex propagation algorithms. In order to use this capability, the user must first create comm and sensor definitions which include the modifier_category command. Then the user must create one or more zone_sets which define the attenuation to be applied for signals that pass through the zone.

 file <file-name>
 height_parameter <dbf file-name>
 constant_height <height-value> <unit-type>
 base_altitude_parameter <dbf file-name>
 constant_base_altitude <base altitude-value> <unit-type>
 projection <projection-type>
 sensor_modifier <modifier-name> <modifier-value>
 comm_modifier <modifier-name> <modifier-value>
file <file-name>

Declare shape file (.shp) to be imported to represent this zone_set. <file-name> is the name of the ESRI shapefile. Leave the extension off.


If included, the vertical offsets defined in the currently loaded DTED file will be used.

height_parameter <dbf file-name>

A parameter in the .dbf file used to define the height of the individual shapes. “” is acceptable input.

constant_height <height-value> <unit-type>

A constant height to use for all shapes. height_parameter overrides this value.

base_altitude_parameter <dbf file-name>

A parameter in the .dbf file used to define the base altitude of the individual shapes. “” is acceptable input.

constant_base_altitude <base altitude-value> <unit-type>

A constant base altitude to use for all shapes. base_altitude_parameter overrides this value.

projection <projection-type>

Define the projection type to be used. Currently geocentric and geodetic are acceptable.

Default geodetic

sensor_modifier <modifier-name> <modifier-value>

Declare that this zone_set modifies all sensors with modifier_category <modifier-name> with the attenuation value defined in <modifier-value>

comm_modifier <modifier-name> <modifier-value>

Declare that this zone_set modifies all comm devices with comm <modifier-name> with the attenuation value defined in <modifier-value>